NFSHP Map...

I was just checking out the NFSHP forums and here: it had an image of the Seacrest County map... I really hope this isn't the full map with all the roads, because it seems to me that there are no more than 10-15 different roads....and a lot of empty space... Please be just the main roads...

It doesn't make a difference with how much I want the game though...


EDIT: Looking at it again it seems as though the highway to the right goes off the image. Hmmm...

Another edit: I found a full, high quality image of the map here: It seems pretty large, though there is lots of empty space, I'm hoping for some long, epic drives. There's also a couple construction signs scattered around the map. DLC much...? Oh yeah, and also, 2 DAYS TO DEMO!



ZombieTron's picture

Even if it is close, there will definitely be more drivable area than the roads shown. We know there are alternate routes to take and that Criterion Games have said that the play area is bigger then Paradise was. So, don't worry, I am sure the game will have plenty of fun places to drive!

SUFFUR's picture

I tried to see the front end at the show, as that is where i was told you would see the map, but not a chance, but some of those routes look familiar to what i was playing the other day @theEurogamer Expo!


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Executioner_UK's picture

From what ive seen of the front end and also from the brief look at the map in the new trailer i'd say that was indeed the full map. What does irritate me though is the massive expanse of "dead" area to the right, not there for the future expandibility either before anyone mentions dlc. Talking of which i suppose theres always the chance of an Island add-on 18 months after release ( /sarcasm ).

On the plus side it does look good and it does look like a lot of fun, its just the freedom of play area that was hyped seems a little lacking.

Oh and if anyone is interested i got a few NFS: HP2 t-shirts left over from a Gamestation conference a few weeks back - pics below:


If you want one for free ( UK only ), msg me here or xbl - Executioner UK and i'll send one out. Medium size only.

 - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360 - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360

ZombieTron's picture

Any spare T shirts will be very gratefully received by BurnoutAholics HQ! If we get enough we will do a contest or sell them for charity!

The Map doesn't look as big as I was expecting, although I have heard size isn't everything!

I am sure there will be DLC for NFS:HP. Whether it will be more mappage, or whether we want it to be more mappage, we will have to wait to see.


Executioner_UK's picture

No more t-shirts available.

I saved you the last one Zombs and have sent a pm - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360 - The Community Forum For Burnout Paradise fans on the xbox360