Criterion games podcast ep.6

some of you already no btu some dont but it came a day early and it is worth it!! Alex is more honest and more forward. so i say go listen to it right now!! wht are you doing gogogo stop raeding!!! why are you reading this?? stop!!! go listen to the damn podcast!!!!


Xedec's picture

omg!! so lame!!! they still got my miss spelling but i used spell check that lame i hate apple computer!!  hahaha even phil is on it and they complamented him omg i hate apple damn it!! good job phil on the complament! and i like how Frozenvapor is in it too asking a very good question!! haha and alex gave away about haveing a starting screen muhahahah funny stuff!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)