Would you like to see BurnoutAholics on facebook?

44% (28 votes)
Not bothered either way
14% (9 votes)
No! Stick to your principles, avoid facebook at all costs!!!
41% (26 votes)
Total votes: 63



ZombieTron's picture

but, as it's currently a dead heat between the no's and yes's with my dithering not bothered in the middle, I still don't know which way to go.

I guess we will stay facebookless, at least until I get some real compelling peer pressure to join up.

I only thought about it again due to a couple of christmas email responses from old friends who said they wished I was on facebook, but then I was on the phone to my sister and she mentioned getting a facebook message from another face from my past which kinda put me off the whole idea again...

still undecided, anybody got any comments to add to help make up my mind?

Xandu's picture

Lots of people that I know has 100s of "friends" (at least that is what they tell me) where most of them are people they went to school with or worked with decades ago. I think that is one of the problems with social web sites like facebook where people use their real names.

Most of the people they have never met or have not talked to for 20+ years. Who is really interested in re-connecting to someone they went to school with 20 years ago and never really talked to? To me it all just seems really fake. If you or they wanted to re-connect all they had to do was pick up the phone!

I was listening to the funny morning show on the radio (P4) a couple of weeks ago. One of the dudes now had 600 friends on facebook and he was very proud of it. He decided that it was time to actually spend some real time with his friends as he felt that he did not really know any of them. He decided to call one of them and ask him out for a beer. The one he decided to call was a boy (man) he went to school with 25 years ago and had not seen since (he commented that he did not really like him back then but since he was his friend on facebook this must have changed ). He called him live at 8:35 in the morning.

The dude (Jo): "Hi, it's me!"
"Friend": WHAT? WHO?
Jo: "It's me!"
"Friend": WHO?
Jo:  It's Jo from school.
"Friend": WHO?
Jo: Don't you remember me?
"Friend": WHAT?... uhhh... ahhh...ok Jo?
Jo: So how are you?
"Friend": OK
Jo: So what are you doing this xmas?
"Friend": WHAT?
Jo: Maybe we should go out and grab a beer?
"Friend": WHAT?
Jo: Is tomorrow ok?
"Friend": HUUU? 
"Friend": We weren't really that good friends at school... were we?
Jo: What about next weekend?
"Friend": NO!
Jo:  uhhhh.. OK, mayb....
"Friend": HANGUP!

Jo now had 599 friends on facebook!  (note that "Friend" had added Jo as a friend and not the other way around!)

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

SUFFUR's picture

But i though you were opening a burnoutaholics fan page, just so you can nose at some of my stuff, lol, and it can be invite only anyway and you can block most stuff and people.

*yes i have the odd one on there that sort arrived but they seem to be harmless at the mo.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

oO EezO Oo's picture

I do like facebook for catching up with people, but thats really about it.  If they were to re-lable it 'peopleI knowthatIonlywanttotalktooccasionallywithoutactuallybeingbotheredtogoandmeetingfacetofaceandviceversabook.com' I'd be alright with it.  So in that sense, sure, I think theres no harm in putting the site up on facebook :-)  (just kidding, I'd always be happy to get a beer with a fellow burner)

Xandus post nails it on the head.  Call me old fashioned but social media stuff seperates people more than it brings them together in my opinion.  Of all the people from school that I've re-connected with its always been from a phone call, not a facebook message. 

I like Suffers fan page idea tho - I'd totally flip burnoutaholics some kudos.

If it was an 'opt in' kind of thing it could be alright, would get more racers connected up. I mean, we already have options to add photos on here, and options to add any info we want, but facebook is all over the place so, I can see the reasoning behind hopping on. 

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


ZombieTron's picture

Thank you for all your votes and comments, as it was pretty close at the end, I am still undecided.

However, I am still considering it.

If we ever do set up a BurnoutAholics facebook page, you will be the first to know about it, so watch this space!