Free MS Points

I'll preface this by saying that I'm not refering to those key-generator sites, all of which are probably just scams. I'm talking about offers from Microsoft:

The latter requires Internet Explorer 7 or higher.

SUFFUR's picture

with rewards at the mo, as it is not sure of my email address's, lol. need to ping them to include my first to gain my years on xbox up, too.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

I signed up a while ago, but still haven't earned any reward points as I don't tend to buy anything from the marketplace. I did the survey which gives you points, but they aren't showing up yet.

Kinda nice that they are doing something to reward loyal Xbox Live users after all this time.

Xandu's picture is only available to UK / US XBL members.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

PsychedelicBabe's picture

well it seems the rewards system pleased many people last week ..... they messed up big time and gave away millions of microsoft points free ...... :( i was annoyed i didnt get any but i will earn my the real way :D did you get free points of them or do you know anyone who did ? post upo here if you did id like to hear what they bought with them and how many they actually got ...... the funny bit about this was that people actually contacted microsoft and asked them if it was ok to spend them as they didnt think they should have got the amount they did and microsoft said for there honesty that they could keep them ...... :D crazy