Tourney sucks

What have I done, I should have joined that stupid Tourney, not because that I'm any good and would have owned everyone in it, not because Stinky is in it and it would have been fun beating him again, not that Ezo is in it and it would have been fun trash talking him, not that the Creator is in it and I could let him win, maybe because nobody talks about anything else on the xbox forums or maybe because every noob is in it (ichie) you try getting a game on revenge after 9pm on Sunday is really hard..



ichienkai's picture

I think someone may have possibly dropped out Boot, i'm sure if thats the case then why cant they let last seasons winner join and ruin my races??

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

thephilofwar's picture

We're still allowing registration for the Fall Burnout Tourney for the next couple weeks.  The tentative final date for registration is October 1st, so you've got until that point to enter!


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

BootlegGiant's picture

it was 2 seasons ago that i beat Stinky with a large stick, let the air out of his tyres and hid the spare and took out a load of cables from under his hood, last season was won by Penguin something, god your such a noob ichi lol..



----English is my second language, feel free to flame me----

BootlegGiant's picture

Ok i will think about it..hmmmmm thought about it and the answer still a no no, I simply don't have the attention span to stay in a Tourney ( I cant spell Tournament) all though Im shure it would be a blast..


----English is my second language, feel free to flame me----

oO EezO Oo's picture

Boot I can't say for sure cuz its not my tourney, I'm just helping out, but if you change your mind I bet Stevie could work you in somehow.  Everyone misses a week every now and then and it would be cool to have you back in there running all the verbal and parked up interference.  You already know from the other seasons that those tourneys aren't hardcore cutthroat.  Its just some fun racing.  At least in the DUI room lol.

" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!