As I walk through the Valley of Xandu

morning Bloggy woggy, it would seem that certain members on this site do not approve of our special relationship Bloggy, I think its Jelousy that you prefer me more than them, it probably stems from some deep deep childhood secret to horrible to mention, something like their teddy getting bear-napped, but don't worry Blogster this changes nothing  you will be The Blogg..

Played a little Revenge last night, First race I had was with Giuppy and it could have been fun if I could understand a single word he or his mates said (Italian) through out the whole race all Giuppy and Capo Emanuell did was make Horse noises, Italians are real weired dude, and then one of them went to do something and the old code of removing your headset so the room knows your not there did not stop these dudes from shouting this guy's name, I had to leave and the end of the game , language barrier sucks..

second game I had was with Two Sweet and Kind Chicks Zombie and Foxy such nice people, ichie was in there thinking he was someone (nothing new there) and some one called The Evil Dark Lord a.k.a. The Creator, dude seriously its not funny he picked on me constantly slowing down and waiting for me and apparently he is a IT god that would explain my xbox freezing, Guy's we need to take a stand against this Evil Lord of Take downs... As I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Xandu I will fear no Creator, Zombie will protect me(please dude'et), blah, blah, blah..


Xandu's picture

I have 5 takedowns on you now! Im not really that evil.. I think I got most of them because you tried to take me down

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

ichienkai's picture

Now what gives you the impression that i think i am someone dude?

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

Coming from a guy with a Devil smiley, What ever Evil Lord of Burnoutaholics, I hope you feal good about your self, I hope you slept good last night lol only joking dude you will always be The Creator to me even if you are a little Evil.. lol


----English is my second language, feel free to flame me----

BootlegGiant's picture

Probably the fact that you have the Hotest chickalita on xbox live as your girfriend (she is using you dude to get achivements on Crackdown) its all good in flame and post dude..

oh and PM me your last name again I keep forgetting it sorry dude, Ive got something you might like

----English is my second language, feel free to flame me----