Burnout Tournaments

I have entered 2 tourneys recently - the scary one is thephilofwar's/sonic stx and the other is stevie d's - less scary for other reasons - which Eezo kindly put me onto and which (incidentally) BootlegGiant won last Season.  The Stevie d Tourney is kinda fun, i'm in the DUI room, room 2,  which i guess by the term DUI means we are drunk most of the time!! What i did not expect was for there to be half races and half road rage and i'm pretty certain someone is gonna curse me and throw in a crash event to the mix which will f**k me right over!

I'm just gonna take that tourney as it comes and have a laugh - i do wish you had joined by the way Bootleg just because you would have annoyed Stinky and Eezo and me no doubt by trying your hardest to ruin races in your own evil way.  Last Sunday was the first night for the Tourney sort of expected and unexpected if you get what i mean: I fluked my way to the top to win the first night because the road rage was slightly biased 2 against 3 (just me and Scandelous) and i hate road rage - i was so drunk i begged to leave at the end! Eezo came a close second, then Netters and Scandelous and KillaKane who i think had a bad night but hey you cant race well all the time - i know Kane has skills.

Are they gonna post results on the xbox360leagues website by the way Eezo or am i looking in the wrong place dude? And when is the next race night... i think probably next sunday 9pm but not totally sure?

As for the other Tournament, if you look on the xbox forums you can see all or most of the considered (and deservedly so) best/fastest racers are in it so basically i'm gonna have a jar of vaseline next to me so they all dont F**K me without lubrication lol My old friend Jambo is in it by the way so thats cool and he's fast and still warned me to watch myself!!

I guess i joined that tourney because i thought f**k it why not but even the best guys have been in rooms at some point where you see other players just fly past you not crashing and increasing their distance between you even though you have loser boost on your side. 

And not forgetting Xandu and ZombieTron who are in the Tourney (what were we thinking guys??!)  I at least expect to come right at the bottom of this one - just hope at the end Phil doesnt post all results hahaha

That's it.... i challenge BootlegGiant to put his name down for it!!! You heard it here I want you in that Tourney man - Phil has already told you there is space in there so come on and mess my races up - its a chance to play against some of the best racers in the world man do it. If anyone can screw these guys up its you!

Do it loser boy!





BootlegGiant's picture

The Tourney you are doing with Ezo is usually set up to be a few races I think it was nine when I did it with a special event for the last one which can be anything the host thinks of it could be racing in a choice car, road rage or even crash, I only entered it so as I could get some revenge on my friend Venom Breed (which I did) I'm not really a competitive player, I don't want to be able to say ''yes i beat the best'' it ain't my cuppa tea and just think how pissed people would get if I parked up on a shortcut, as for Sonic and Phil's Tourney the same applies to that  plus I don't like having to be on a certain game at a certain time, I did a snooker Tourney a little while ago I did pretty well but towards the end of the game's I got bored and did stupid things, its just not for me dude, competition + Bootleg = pure boredom

----English is my second language, feel free to flame me----

oO EezO Oo's picture

Oh yeah you know it.  DUI room all the way.  But the rooms are going to get shuffled again after next week so its hard to guess who everyone will be racing with.

Sorry about the road rages Ichy, I don't think anyone in DUI really likes em either but I have to stick with the same thing as all the other rooms to keep it on the same playing field (And yeah it kinda sux when theres an odd number in the room).  Hopefully this sunday the special will be something different.

Results have gone off to Stevie and they should be posted soon.  Usually they show up the next day but I think hes still waiting on results from another room.  They'll be in the same thread or there will be a button on the main page.  The next night is this coming Sunday, same time 9 p.m. GMT.  Just wait for an invite.  Things should pop off and wrap up much quicker this week.  Week one takes a little bit longer to sort out all the kinks etc. 

Yeah dood ditto on the vaseline for the Phil / Sonic tournament.  That ones gonna be rough.  I know I don't have a snowballs chance in hell with that one but theres no way I could pass it up.  Who wouldn't want to have a race with some of those people?  Its gonna be painful but it'll still be a good time.  I just like tourneys to see how far you can go.  Ya know I bet we could still goat Boot into signing up for it.  Registrations are still open til Oct. 1st last I checked.  Wadda ya say Boot?  At least the races will be fun. 

" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


ichienkai's picture

Hey Eezo i hope i didnt come over all wrong with the post/blog about the Tourney dude, its great fun, i can drink heavily with you guys which is nice lol Its true i don't like Road Rage but hey that is not your fault they are in the Tourney, you have no reason whatsoever to apologise to me or anyone else mate.  Thanks for keeping me informed about the progress of the leagues points with Stevie and above all thanks for hosting our DUI room, you help make the room what it is! 

By the way i'm sure the 190 mph night on Sunday will be ace - i understand that its alternated weekly so maybe i'll set up a 190 room tonight and get some practise in - of course i won't tell people its a 190 race...! Its Soooo funny when you set the races back to "Unrestricted" speeds afterwards and watch people scrolling through all the cars searching frantically for their Revenge racers.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

thephilofwar's picture

It's too bad I never got this thing together, it would've been a lot of fun. It was just extremely difficult for one guy to organize something large enough for the entire community, more than 40 players at the time, with the incredibly complex format I had envisioned... but honestly, there were only 5 players who realistically could have won anyway. 


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


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