Hallo from Germany

Hello everyone!

I'm Heiko, 19 years old and from Germany!

I started playing Burnout when my dad picked it up in 2002. Since then i became addicted to the series! I have to say out of all games in the Burnout series the Burnout 3 Takedown was my favorite! I still fire up my Xbox 360 to play it offline! I also played it online (Nametag : electr0xx), but i didn't have a lot time to enjoy it since i only had internet access on the weekend :(. I also play Paradise and Revenge online! My nametag there is Electr0xxS! I really enjoy playing both even tho i can't keep up with anyone from Revenge, haha. 


I hope to see some of you guys in a future Burnout game or even on Revenge and Paradise, maybe someday EA will realize they made a mistake with shutting down B3 and we can all play it together again! :)

See ya, 



ZombieTron's picture

I still miss playing B3 online. That game had the best online experience, possibly because of all the great people it attracted! :)