Alex Ward E3 interview



Check out this interview with Alex Ward interview from E3 2007. Lots of information about Burnout Paradise and cool visuals. Alex Ward talks about the rules of the road and showtime.

View: E3 2007 Road Rules Interview


Jasman's picture

I must say that the interview sounds really promising. No menus and loading screens is just what I've been waiting for. I was sceptical when I heard that online lobby's would be gone, but it really seems that they want to make Burnout Paradise the ultimate game for playing with your friends. It will also be cool to compete against my friends records, even when they're not online. Looks fantastic!

Can't wait till the game hits the stores... Will be a big day for all BurnoutAholics!


[gamercard:Yean Budobu]

Xandu's picture

Looking forward to racing you when you get your XBox 360 Elite :-)

-- admin --

-- The Creator --

Jasman's picture

Be afraid... Be very, VERY afraid.... mwuhahahaha... ;-P

[gamercard:Yean Budobu]