More New Members!

Welcome Welcome Miss Smokey - we are getting closer to the free Burny t-shirt draw! How cool would it be to come home from a drawn out bad-ass crappy day to see a burnoutaholics t-shirt on your door step?? I'm not that lucky so count me out but hell you never know - Euro millions is 88 mill this weekend, probably got more chance of winning that one....! (If i do....:) And what will sir be doing with his winnings.... Erm I'd like to thank so and so and i will be returning to my job on monday morning just so i can give my boss the biggest middle finger he's ever seen... and offer him so much for his company so the lads i work with can finally retire with full pension - i'll buy all your motorcycles, don't need a license at this point i am above the law.  This weekend i will be polishing my new Bentley or is that my Porsche sorry and yeah the view from my new Island in the middle of nowhere is awesome!

Whatever - and HOBO what took you so long to realise this is the greatest Burnout Fansite out there and why do you need sooo many Tags Dude?? hahaha Thats a lot of gamertags man!! I never realised you were Porno by the way.

I raced a 135 rank in a ranked room for a laugh on the Grrrrr tag this afternoon and it turns out he was not on form!  1st two races he did ok and i didnt but then he starts crashing and the German profanity that came from his mic was so funny!! It was so clear he was vetting the room before we started - kicking people etc - man he should have checked me out too....! 

Only 24 hours until Halo 3 begins for the UK - I notice Eezo has it already and i was soooo tempted to send him an evil message but hell one of the guys i work with is from the states too so i took it out on him instead - count yourself luck Eezo "I'll put crash junctions in your tournaments whilst your in 190 cars" that was evil and despite your claims that its not your design.... hell its all for fun - i'll stay in there man!

The biggest brightest full moon has risen above the hills in front of the valley where i live - looks absolutely amazin' - its a sign that i'm gonna race like a trooper tonight and Bootleg is NOT gonna vertical me... Yeah Whatever!






BootlegGiant's picture

Yo Dude or should I say Dude'et stop welcoming new members like its you that's recruiting them, everyone knows that I am the Master at that and you are simply my sidekick, and wow man Hobo is Porno but wait who is Hobo, dude you get to race all the good people all I get is your castoffs, dude if you win the lotto will buy me a new DVD drive for my other 360

----Insert witty comment----

SUFFUR's picture

That island going to cost millions just to get some sort of broadband, unless you go satalite which would be cool, and we should all welcome new victims, sorry new members Boot, though you do have some style with that, lol. Its nice to see the hard core join up, though when do they find the time to look at the web site, they are normally racing their asses off? The more the merrier on this site, more rooms to jump into an say hello for real, and get beat.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

I remember seeing a feature on the National Lottery show when it first started showing what you could buy if you won. One of the shows featured an Island in the Outer Hebrides that you could buy for £500,000! I always quite liked the idea, but can you imagine spending a day on a boat to get to the nearest game store?!? Nightmare!!

ichienkai's picture

Ah Suffer i never thought of the broadband because i want to buy Japan with my winnings!  Think i'd need 88 million billion though!  

And Of course Bootleg i would buy you a new hard drive - i would go as far as buying Wales for you, making you King of Wales and getting it cut away from the English mainland so you could have some peace from us Brits....

Imagine.... all hail King BootlegGiant protector of the weak, saviour of the poor, Crown Prince of The Bloggy Woggy's (Joggy Boggy Foggy what Is that all about???)

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ichienkai's picture

My Island has a Helicopter pad and a runway for my Jet and i just fly out whenever i need to.... I also own Gamestation at this point and the WORLD mmmmuuuhhhhaaaaaa and i want Japan for all the Oriental beautiful women (just kiddin Foxy - you know i'm kiddin yeah????)  I'm soooo dumped - Bootleg back off man Foxy is not officially single until she has read this post and dumped me ok??? lol

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

To late man the email has been sent, your dumped and oh yes your getting sued for half your winnings on the grounds of fantasying about oriental chicks, and urm kiss goodby to half your Island and just to be petty half your gamertag, you get to keep the second half and will now be known as kai


----Insert witty comment----

Jinno Angelo's picture

Are you sure it wasnt Eezo in disguise cause he sent me messages how he was going to change his name.....LOL...

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ichienkai's picture

Just some German who kept saying Grrrrr Baby im etc etc and making excuses for his bad racin'....!

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Xedec's picture

i did understand anything you all were talking about so im going to say this imagen a game called burnout go-kart style!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

oO EezO Oo's picture

haha it really does sound like me or something I'd do but I don't really know how to speak any German.   Was he hiccupping into the mic?  Clipping the inside of corners?  Was the 'Gamertag crashed' message getting burned into your tv screen? Maybe it was my long lost twin brother?

" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Jinno Angelo's picture

"Whatever - and HOBO what took you so long to realise this is the greatest Burnout Fansite out there and why do you need sooo many Tags Dude?? hahaha Thats a lot of gamertags man!! I never realised you were Porno by the way."


Hobo and Porno the same? He's Porno? Man, I knew they were cool with each other and stuff but i didnt know it was THAT close.....LOL....

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ichienkai's picture

Yup Hobo has a tag that does look like Porno's when you speed read like i do

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--