Morning Bloggy

Good morning Mr Bloggy and a fine yet dark morning it is, ok its Saturday and wtf! am I doing up so damn early, I dont think I have much on today (Halo 3 all day mint) played some forced revenge last night, by forced I mean I did not want to play it but felt I had to, to keep some people happy, and wow I'm still as good as ever, if not better, I also did a bit of Co-op on Halo 3 wow what a game , its very supprising how somebody can be so good on Revenge and yet not be able to drive a Warthog, somebody going Wtf!! my Hogg wont move I think its broken, No dude try getting out of the passenger seat and into the driver side (sorry ichi I had to do it), right I cant be botherd now, the moment is gone and Im bored with typing and I have nothing to say other than I hope Paradise feals as good in co-op as does H3.. laters Bloggy


ichienkai's picture

I thought we were being driven by one of our team (AI) and he got out of the Warty and i missed it sort of thing  Alright i'm a noob, it was me - v funny though! Ah co-op on Halo IS good dude!

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--