The odd mails and friend requests, from strangers.

I received a mail from this young lady Rupa Kanabar, this is her web site, well one of a few, i have found, and did a search to see if she is ligit and seems to be, but the MTV links and other media site, did not have her about, and she was asking for advise, which is nice. I think she wants the hits so have fun, and be nice, she could become a good friend. I also got one from a lady in Singapore, that has links to the Singapore Film and TV industry, which is nice too. This was via Facebook, which was very random, lol. I'm having a good Tuesday. Oh, i do get the odd mails, from people who want to deposite millions in my bank account, but i have not found a place to go to complain, as i know they are fraudulent. Me a millionaire, lmswao, please, i don't even play Lotto. Would rather earn it, though if some nut, give me a brief case full of cash, and escort me to a bank and explain it all, i will deposite it. Poor but not stupid. Oh, and the thingy enlargers don't count,and why, i don't need them, i'm a happy chappy, and my disability, so i have to walk with a limp once in a while, is just fine. Its just a bad back. Really, Honestly, do not need them, junk mail all the way.

BootlegGiant's picture

I dont understand why I get email's from Lloyds Bank, National Wesminster Bank, Halifax, telling me that someone has been trying to access my account, I have never banked with them and I dont give out my email easy.


Cymru am Byth

ZombieTron's picture

I don't mind the junk mail in my email so much, I just delete it. What gets to me more is the random friends requests on Xbox Live. Most of the time its from people who have seen my GTP profile. But they don't play Burnout and they don't send a message with the FR to say why they are sending the request. This probably only annoys me because I tend to crash when an alert pops up saying I have a Friends Request!!

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture If they have that much money, they could find where i live and hand me the cash, right?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?