If you see the forum pages with the Halo future video, the PS3 will become the 360 Blueray add on, and the Wii will be its exersice machine, for the morning workout, to see the morning news and weather, as you can also see http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2007/10/04/h3-over-300-million-in-one-week.aspx Halo 3 is selling fast and making loadsa money, to be able to make that video come true, i just need to live near Kev, so i can corpse hump him first when it all goes wrong and we go out side to play, and get caught in that cross fire of death and mayhem. Not that i would want to die above him, thats just wrong, as we could then be double humped by the next person, it would end up being a hump of dead humpers? But until it becomes the ADD on, i'm not buying one, i don't trust some of thier software, though i did like the first Walkman and my first CD player that died in 6 months and cost twice as much as the player to get fixed, i left it in the shop, but what a great 6 months it was. To those who have a PS3, see Folding, it will hopfully save a life, or find some, until you get that killer app, saddly, but it looks like it might be Burnout Paradise, nothing wrong with that, but driving games rarley sell a console, but i think it has been done, with GT.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Zom, can't believe you even asked this.. well I can as this is not a Xbox site but a Burnout site and those who chose to play on a PS are just as welcome as those who have sense..
theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...
theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...
This Poll was suggested in the forums by hn6. Kind of odd tho cos Xandu and I were discussing this yesterday evening as BurnoutAholics is a little Xbox biased, even the Gamer Tag entry on the user profile is obligatory! So this is a good way of incorporating PS Burners. I feel a little sorry for them, as Revenge servers are very close to closing on PS2 there really isn't much for PS Burners until Paradise comes out (in 2015 according to Kev, but probably 2011 on PS3 with a few years extra wait for 360!)
hmmm ps3, to or not to, not to i think, its just i have run out of room in my sesspit, cause of the cow. and suff you can hump my dead corpse to your hearts desire, in fact i'm quite looking forward to it now.
top tip #1 don't turn your back on drunk. cause he is liable to cave your cranium in.
Paradise could be the next Halo 3, but it could be for Sony and the PS3, in 11 years we could be having real road rages, vertical takedowns, GPS as standard, even when walking the street, to see road ragers coming, and don't get caught in a splatter fest, Car Wars really(which would also have guns and proximity land mines, yes, land mines should be banned in real life, computer game use, mandatory), created by Steve Jackson games, ready to come to next-gen, please, someone, anyone, will you make it? Think it and they will come, now you can clean up your own mess, I think, not do!
So anyway, Paradise, could be that killer app, that sells the PS3, then I might have to buy one, as there would be millions of Virgins, and knoobs, to takedown, all un-tapped and cherry carrying, never knowing what is going to hit them. And once I’m there I will tell them to come to the dark side and play the other games, tak'm on a tour of history, tell them to buy an Xbox and play Burnout 1 and get the idea where Paradise came from, then BO2 ‘Pursuit of Happiness’, to run riot on the humps and bumps, lovely lady... oops sorry, switch from one side of the road to the other road side, gaining little boost jumps to understand lap times, and see that weather effects those times. Learn to chase the single driver, in your flashing pursuit car, and ask, why does he not die when I land on him?And crash was a game for a good laugh, when mates did come round?
Then play 3, Burnout Takedown, show’ d'em the ways to assassinate d'em Euro'bugguors by Drunk, Monkey, Zom, Kev, Brainless Yoshi, Banger and others on the six degrees of separation, via friends lists, as you can only have so many friends, sorry racers, but it’s still too small, even now circa 360. Learn to race the track with anyone, but know that you will meet most of the top 100, and race them at least once a week, losing but knowing that one day they will crash and you will, win! AS well as beat ‘the cheat’ races! When lots of things happen, and it all gets messed up, and people are dying, and the Fifth Horseman puts down a milk bottle; he was always number one, but could not race? But ‘he’ spent more time cheating and bragging, than it was to race the game in the end, but thank you for the points, from all of ‘us’ winners of that ‘game mode’. I assume life got better as the name is never said, anymore, and everyone has moved on?
Crash, a good sit down with some mates, but this was a game of skill, aim well and boost not, as the case may be.Then pass them on to Broken, to show them what it’s like to talk to an American, as long as you act like a human being, and then be slaughtered in crash mode, till you rank number 2 in the world behind Broken (not that it happen for me, sounds like many hours of game play to be number 2, lol). Then play takedown races, till you puke, but learn how to race, and drive ‘Downtown’ in any car! Find a multi-player experience, that can cause war, love, friendships and it’s all done to the tune of sex, drugs and music .(I left out Rock and Roll. As music is somewhere else now, a mix that originated from the first canyoned echoed fart heard by a caveman, hunting said fartêe, a dinosaur, to echoes from space, which are too, probably farts. All music is good, it just depends on how you listen to it, and sometimes why?) But I do like Rock and Roll, so we’ll keep it original.
Which takes us to the Xbox version of Revenge, this was a fast game, and everything was fast, 20 seconds to pick a car, which became one choice, when you finished the game. The Revenge Racer. Criterion, really wanted to show you how the game worked and what maps and tracks looked like, by letting you fall through the track floor, and seeing them from underneath, and putting you in 6th, which prepares you for, the Time Out Lobby or Losers Lounge. This was the game that separated the Crashers from the Racers, even ranks, to keep them apart, RANK, now became important, lagging out meant you lost millions in stock(some hours of game play), started to kick people from friend’s lists, and road rage now became a fixed event, so no-one really played it? But here, across two platforms, a battle was being made ready for, PS2 did not have great networking and is looked upon as the inferior platform, if it’s poor it means the lap times on their leader boards were not true lap times? I think they were, so no flames please, I have some common sense (ya’d think?). Anyway, there were ‘other’ racers on the ‘other’ platform (no fan boy ‘ere, though they did win WCGW1 (World Console Generation War 1, where WCGW2, is just in the testing the weapon systems stage and R&D still needs more money). And, since Xbox was value for money, they bought one and brought their true skills and champions to bear. And I think, proved it, bar a few exceptions plus we also had Xbox live. I don’t want to name names you know who you are, racers all, but some of you really bitch a lot though, lol, (but a real fan base becomes a community). And you all have met each other on the battle field which were lap times, and here comes Revenge for the 360 and another breed of racers, and loop 'hole finders. RANK is so important that its traded, from gamer tag to gamer tag. The Top 100 across the board is held by, immortals all, and duly forgotten, like gods of old, by the rest of us. For they had become a protected species, hunting to find any race with anyone in this RANK range, is hard to find, time tables are kept, voice chat becomes a day to day thing and Tag Watching, becomes a hobby for some, looking to Xbox live forums, web based fan sites. The Immortals, have become aloof, and only play with themselves, only trusting few to witness what timeout really feels like, but being humbled themselves by Hero’s of old, whom know, that traffic checking is not ‘Old Skool’, and to crash, is a sin, to win. Here then comes, the time the gods wish to walk among, the mortals, looking for lost heroes, new ones and someone to really race against, that can’t remember that they had a lap time, as they were dots, but they do this as wolves in sheep’s clothing, and clog up the Top 1000. Gamer Tags, have now become the must have accessory, for gamers, who like to hid their skill, behind trials, lasting a month. So, time will pass, The White Mountain Glitch, is know by all and used mostly by knoobs, till the knoobs start effecting d’em d’ur Lap Times, now its taught to anyone with a RANK ‘-‘.
In the mean time Burnout 3 Takedown has been made backward compatible, and The Revenge Boosting Technique, is bookmarked to be studied later, with video-link, and then a Purple Haze flies all over racers and ragers heads? Most find it disconcerting, others, don’t realise, some go to Revenge Xbox, after some study and start kicking lap times down. Updates later, ‘coms’ is the only thing wrong and a bit of, ‘there’s to much happening at once lag’, but the tracks are getting dusty again.
Then Handhelds are all the rage (probably were before this written time line, but fiction does what fiction does, and non). Legends and Dominator are played and raced, they have link ups and over d’net, but since I never owned, but did play most of thesegames, but don’t really know a whole lot about people playing this type of gaming other than from this site (www.burnoutaholics.com) and friends, this is as long as I will write about them.
So here we now all stand, on the cliff edge looking down, seeing some great CGI, and other rendered programming, you have become Burnoutaholics, or thinking about it, might be bothered to be, and wondering what is next, and Alex and gang are talking about the PS3, most of the footage has been taken from the PS3 demos, it has tilt a-la-six-axis and fought and paid for {<((~RuMbLe~))> } now, and you can use a head set to talk to people, I hear. And if there are 75,000 scores kept and an infinite number of ‘-‘ and two platforms of data, and sales of course, with an equation to eliminate multi-copy buys, and PS3 owners to date, they could sell ‘something I Googled, but did not make sense, so could not be bothered, as it was a long list of links too’ many, and if only spell checker was used!
So we are in the future, Japanese is the language taught in school, with English still used in science and media engineering circles, we each live in a wall screen lit rooms, have pimped out cars, we never drive, but post up pictures, at ‘Home’ for your mates to see, and we are now watching replays of last night’s game stage, to shave of that lap time, on that ‘around the world race’ and we all see, that driving under the Alps would be faster, but less fun, as long as the anti-avalanche-quake machines are working? And we all miss California. And rode the sub-for-a-look, to see the streets of San Francisco, and where Hollywood is buried. And that ‘built in the hand, phone operation’ advert, was the biggest media event ‘evar’, when the vibrate option became available, at ’£99, under local aesthetic, at a Virgin National World Heath Hospital near you!’
“And from his success of that advert, Suffur won an Oscar for writing the machinama version of ‘Gumball’ The Electric 209 Over Boost Charge Years (with The Jackass babies, “animated for that real bounce look”(written on Office 2011 Service pack 6, or 1 after a portable EMP, virus remover, transistor reset, anti personal-generator spike test), and made enough money to make a sequel, which has been three years in the making, and the title is still ‘Forumulated’ on most of the ‘McGoogled’, (a subsidiary of Microsoft Programs, ‘are you with the program or not’),Forum Arena Sites, but guessed to be called ‘Citizen in the Wind’, about the greatest gaming racer of all time, whom died 6 years ago, in a soap and toilet brush accident, while racing in Tour Mode on Burnout World update 4v7, The Sea Tunnels Edition, and racing all the Streets and Roads with the words ‘Bend’ in them, and one is a closed round-a-bout, (that had to be6 flipped into, twice, left, then backwards, to complete, then you had to take out a low flying Cessna, as you come off the jump to land on ‘Insert Your Name Here Highway’, “where you can control all the traffic, the jumps, it’s all customizable, you are now a game creator, we just built the tools for you do it”, Criterion,creators of The Home Station, up to 24 in a room hand chip compatible, four walls and a ceiling and floor, bunk beds optional, 'and no theash effects, are not realistic, but it’s like snow, too much and you can’t see the speedometer' ). Nakard, you will be missed for your Clark Kent moments, but you will always be a hero to someone, anyone, who picked up a control device, and raced a Burnout game? (About time you did get some sleep, anyway!).
Suffur collected his award, at the New London Kodak (it’s on a chip in your other hand, that gives you a ‘you’re really here picture’), ‘Brollywood’ (‘as it aways raining at home, in The Great British Island’, home of film new noir action, for 6.25 months of the year) Theater. Talks are still in place for him to direct ‘Garbage Ordinance Droid 117’, with Dream Disney (Owned by LUCAS EMPIRE GAMES, still independent, and a Purple Ray Reader free with every, movie chip set bought of STARWARS, The Decology, in Media Mode, play any character, part, director, pilot, Jedi Monk, live the STARWARS Life and count all way to the end for the meaningless of money) a children’s film, but weather in the Amazon Desert, has stopped shooting, and the Monsoon season, in the Middle East, means that The Sports Illustrated, Wave Board, event is a must on the second largest manmade wave lake, so he’ll be there, so not filming”
It’s nice to wake up.
The 360 Version will be fine, and MS will bring out a Tilt Control, even if they have to buy Sony.
And again, the cock crows, wipe the sleep from my eyes. Check calendar, Burnout Paradise is still, a couple of months away, and once again I’m bored.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Kev, most people don't need to worry about me.. its just you a buzz who seem to feel the wrath of my left fist... it seems the only way i can kill people and you just always seem to be there.. lol
theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...
theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...
I loved reading this Suffur, made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside remembering all the great times on Burnout past and thinking about the wonders of Burnout future. I do believe that Paradise will help to shift a few PS3's in fact I am semi tempted to get a PS3 to play Paradise on! But the main reason I play is for those warm fuzzy moments with all the friends I have made on Xbox Live, so I guess I will stick to playing Paradise on the 360.
come on mane im getting both copoes 2 reasons xbox 360 so i can play with my friends and ps3 because criterion put more work into the ps3 version they even said so muhahahaha
The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)
I think its widly acknowledged that betamax was a superior quality format, hence its dominance in the broadcast world. The problem was that VHS was just more popular. The reason for this popularity was the recording time - by degrading the quality they could give the end user up to 4 hour recording time.
The title? - there is an urban myth that there was less porn on the beta hence its decline.
I always thought Betamax was better quality too, but then I was the last person I knew at the time to get a VCR I didn't get one til '87!!! but having read the wiki on Betamax due to Eezo's comment today there probably wasn't that much of a quality difference between VHS and Betamax in the end with VHS HQ. Anyhoo all really frickin boring and irrelevant as both formats are dead as dodo's now! I'm not sure if the whole HD DVD v Blue Ray thing will matter much either, wont we all just be downloading/streaming movies anyway???? I know I wont be getting an HD DVD or Blue Ray player for movies anytime soon anyway, but I could just be a decade behind everyone else like I was with VHS!
sorry to cut accross you all but dosent Sony get the applause for creating the Mini Disk player, yes I have one of these usless gadgets that holds close to 3 or 4 times the amount of a regular CD but at half the size and you could record with it as well, I think mine cost £250 and a couple of weeks later the first MP3 player came out, gutted man
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:42
If you see the forum pages with the Halo future video, the PS3 will become the 360 Blueray add on, and the Wii will be its exersice machine, for the morning workout, to see the morning news and weather, as you can also see http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2007/10/04/h3-over-300-million-in-one-week.aspx Halo 3 is selling fast and making loadsa money, to be able to make that video come true, i just need to live near Kev, so i can corpse hump him first when it all goes wrong and we go out side to play, and get caught in that cross fire of death and mayhem. Not that i would want to die above him, thats just wrong, as we could then be double humped by the next person, it would end up being a hump of dead humpers? But until it becomes the ADD on, i'm not buying one, i don't trust some of thier software, though i did like the first Walkman and my first CD player that died in 6 months and cost twice as much as the player to get fixed, i left it in the shop, but what a great 6 months it was. To those who have a PS3, see Folding, it will hopfully save a life, or find some, until you get that killer app, saddly, but it looks like it might be Burnout Paradise, nothing wrong with that, but driving games rarley sell a console, but i think it has been done, with GT.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 15:29
a PS3?? Why?
Zom, can't believe you even asked this.. well I can as this is not a Xbox site but a Burnout site and those who chose to play on a PS are just as welcome as those who have sense..
theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...
theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 15:40
Not my Poll
This Poll was suggested in the forums by hn6. Kind of odd tho cos Xandu and I were discussing this yesterday evening as BurnoutAholics is a little Xbox biased, even the Gamer Tag entry on the user profile is obligatory! So this is a good way of incorporating PS Burners. I feel a little sorry for them, as Revenge servers are very close to closing on PS2 there really isn't much for PS Burners until Paradise comes out (in 2015 according to Kev, but probably 2011 on PS3 with a few years extra wait for 360!)
--- The Original and the Best ---
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 21:40
im getting 4 copies of burnout paradise 2 for the ps3 and 2 for the 360 lol
The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)
(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)
Sat, 10/06/2007 - 18:01
PS3? yeesh...
Personally, I can't stand the PS3. I'm hoping to get an XBOX 360 either today or tomorrow, or next weekend.
Sat, 10/06/2007 - 19:39
ps3's are smaller than a cow
hmmm ps3, to or not to, not to i think, its just i have run out of room in my sesspit, cause of the cow. and suff you can hump my dead corpse to your hearts desire, in fact i'm quite looking forward to it now.
top tip #1 don't turn your back on drunk. cause he is liable to cave your cranium in.
my dog ate my disc.
Sun, 10/07/2007 - 21:06
And Paradise Might sell...
Paradise could be the next Halo 3, but it could be for Sony and the PS3, in 11 years we could be having real road rages, vertical takedowns, GPS as standard, even when walking the street, to see road ragers coming, and don't get caught in a splatter fest, Car Wars really(which would also have guns and proximity land mines, yes, land mines should be banned in real life, computer game use, mandatory), created by Steve Jackson games, ready to come to next-gen, please, someone, anyone, will you make it? Think it and they will come, now you can clean up your own mess, I think, not do!
So anyway, Paradise, could be that killer app, that sells the PS3, then I might have to buy one, as there would be millions of Virgins, and knoobs, to takedown, all un-tapped and cherry carrying, never knowing what is going to hit them. And once I’m there I will tell them to come to the dark side and play the other games, tak'm on a tour of history, tell them to buy an Xbox and play Burnout 1 and get the idea where Paradise came from, then BO2 ‘Pursuit of Happiness’, to run riot on the humps and bumps, lovely lady... oops sorry, switch from one side of the road to the other road side, gaining little boost jumps to understand lap times, and see that weather effects those times. Learn to chase the single driver, in your flashing pursuit car, and ask, why does he not die when I land on him?And crash was a game for a good laugh, when mates did come round?
Then play 3, Burnout Takedown, show’ d'em the ways to assassinate d'em Euro'bugguors by Drunk, Monkey, Zom, Kev, Brainless Yoshi, Banger and others on the six degrees of separation, via friends lists, as you can only have so many friends, sorry racers, but it’s still too small, even now circa 360. Learn to race the track with anyone, but know that you will meet most of the top 100, and race them at least once a week, losing but knowing that one day they will crash and you will, win! AS well as beat ‘the cheat’ races! When lots of things happen, and it all gets messed up, and people are dying, and the Fifth Horseman puts down a milk bottle; he was always number one, but could not race? But ‘he’ spent more time cheating and bragging, than it was to race the game in the end, but thank you for the points, from all of ‘us’ winners of that ‘game mode’. I assume life got better as the name is never said, anymore, and everyone has moved on?
Crash, a good sit down with some mates, but this was a game of skill, aim well and boost not, as the case may be. Then pass them on to Broken, to show them what it’s like to talk to an American, as long as you act like a human being, and then be slaughtered in crash mode, till you rank number 2 in the world behind Broken (not that it happen for me, sounds like many hours of game play to be number 2, lol). Then play takedown races, till you puke, but learn how to race, and drive ‘Downtown’ in any car! Find a multi-player experience, that can cause war, love, friendships and it’s all done to the tune of sex, drugs and music .(I left out Rock and Roll. As music is somewhere else now, a mix that originated from the first canyoned echoed fart heard by a caveman, hunting said fartêe, a dinosaur, to echoes from space, which are too, probably farts. All music is good, it just depends on how you listen to it, and sometimes why?) But I do like Rock and Roll, so we’ll keep it original.
Which takes us to the Xbox version of Revenge, this was a fast game, and everything was fast, 20 seconds to pick a car, which became one choice, when you finished the game. The Revenge Racer. Criterion, really wanted to show you how the game worked and what maps and tracks looked like, by letting you fall through the track floor, and seeing them from underneath, and putting you in 6th, which prepares you for, the Time Out Lobby or Losers Lounge. This was the game that separated the Crashers from the Racers, even ranks, to keep them apart, RANK, now became important, lagging out meant you lost millions in stock(some hours of game play), started to kick people from friend’s lists, and road rage now became a fixed event, so no-one really played it? But here, across two platforms, a battle was being made ready for, PS2 did not have great networking and is looked upon as the inferior platform, if it’s poor it means the lap times on their leader boards were not true lap times? I think they were, so no flames please, I have some common sense (ya’d think?). Anyway, there were ‘other’ racers on the ‘other’ platform (no fan boy ‘ere, though they did win WCGW1 (World Console Generation War 1, where WCGW2, is just in the testing the weapon systems stage and R&D still needs more money). And, since Xbox was value for money, they bought one and brought their true skills and champions to bear. And I think, proved it, bar a few exceptions plus we also had Xbox live. I don’t want to name names you know who you are, racers all, but some of you really bitch a lot though, lol, (but a real fan base becomes a community). And you all have met each other on the battle field which were lap times, and here comes Revenge for the 360 and another breed of racers, and loop 'hole finders. RANK is so important that its traded, from gamer tag to gamer tag. The Top 100 across the board is held by, immortals all, and duly forgotten, like gods of old, by the rest of us. For they had become a protected species, hunting to find any race with anyone in this RANK range, is hard to find, time tables are kept, voice chat becomes a day to day thing and Tag Watching, becomes a hobby for some, looking to Xbox live forums, web based fan sites. The Immortals, have become aloof, and only play with themselves, only trusting few to witness what timeout really feels like, but being humbled themselves by Hero’s of old, whom know, that traffic checking is not ‘Old Skool’, and to crash, is a sin, to win. Here then comes, the time the gods wish to walk among, the mortals, looking for lost heroes, new ones and someone to really race against, that can’t remember that they had a lap time, as they were dots, but they do this as wolves in sheep’s clothing, and clog up the Top 1000. Gamer Tags, have now become the must have accessory, for gamers, who like to hid their skill, behind trials, lasting a month. So, time will pass, The White Mountain Glitch, is know by all and used mostly by knoobs, till the knoobs start effecting d’em d’ur Lap Times, now its taught to anyone with a RANK ‘-‘.
In the mean time Burnout 3 Takedown has been made backward compatible, and The Revenge Boosting Technique, is bookmarked to be studied later, with video-link, and then a Purple Haze flies all over racers and ragers heads? Most find it disconcerting, others, don’t realise, some go to Revenge Xbox, after some study and start kicking lap times down. Updates later, ‘coms’ is the only thing wrong and a bit of, ‘there’s to much happening at once lag’, but the tracks are getting dusty again.
Then Handhelds are all the rage (probably were before this written time line, but fiction does what fiction does, and non). Legends and Dominator are played and raced, they have link ups and over d’net, but since I never owned, but did play most of these games, but don’t really know a whole lot about people playing this type of gaming other than from this site (www.burnoutaholics.com) and friends, this is as long as I will write about them.
So here we now all stand, on the cliff edge looking down, seeing some great CGI, and other rendered programming, you have become Burnoutaholics, or thinking about it, might be bothered to be, and wondering what is next, and Alex and gang are talking about the PS3, most of the footage has been taken from the PS3 demos, it has tilt a-la-six-axis and fought and paid for {<((~RuMbLe~))> } now, and you can use a head set to talk to people, I hear. And if there are 75,000 scores kept and an infinite number of ‘-‘ and two platforms of data, and sales of course, with an equation to eliminate multi-copy buys, and PS3 owners to date, they could sell ‘something I Googled, but did not make sense, so could not be bothered, as it was a long list of links too’ many, and if only spell checker was used!
So we are in the future, Japanese is the language taught in school, with English still used in science and media engineering circles, we each live in a wall screen lit rooms, have pimped out cars, we never drive, but post up pictures, at ‘Home’ for your mates to see, and we are now watching replays of last night’s game stage, to shave of that lap time, on that ‘around the world race’ and we all see, that driving under the Alps would be faster, but less fun, as long as the anti-avalanche-quake machines are working? And we all miss California. And rode the sub-for-a-look, to see the streets of San Francisco, and where Hollywood is buried. And that ‘built in the hand, phone operation’ advert, was the biggest media event ‘evar’, when the vibrate option became available, at ’£99, under local aesthetic, at a Virgin National World Heath Hospital near you!’
“And from his success of that advert, Suffur won an Oscar for writing the machinama version of ‘Gumball’ The Electric 209 Over Boost Charge Years (with The Jackass babies, “animated for that real bounce look”(written on Office 2011 Service pack 6, or 1 after a portable EMP, virus remover, transistor reset, anti personal-generator spike test), and made enough money to make a sequel, which has been three years in the making, and the title is still ‘Forumulated’ on most of the ‘McGoogled’, (a subsidiary of Microsoft Programs, ‘are you with the program or not’), Forum Arena Sites, but guessed to be called ‘Citizen in the Wind’, about the greatest gaming racer of all time, whom died 6 years ago, in a soap and toilet brush accident, while racing in Tour Mode on Burnout World update 4v7, The Sea Tunnels Edition, and racing all the Streets and Roads with the words ‘Bend’ in them, and one is a closed round-a-bout, (that had to be 6 flipped into, twice, left, then backwards, to complete, then you had to take out a low flying Cessna, as you come off the jump to land on ‘Insert Your Name Here Highway’, “where you can control all the traffic, the jumps, it’s all customizable, you are now a game creator, we just built the tools for you do it”, Criterion, creators of The Home Station, up to 24 in a room hand chip compatible, four walls and a ceiling and floor, bunk beds optional, 'and no the ash effects, are not realistic, but it’s like snow, too much and you can’t see the speedometer' ). Nakard, you will be missed for your Clark Kent moments, but you will always be a hero to someone, anyone, who picked up a control device, and raced a Burnout game? (About time you did get some sleep, anyway!).
Suffur collected his award, at the New London Kodak (it’s on a chip in your other hand, that gives you a ‘you’re really here picture’), ‘Brollywood’ (‘as it aways raining at home, in The Great British Island’, home of film new noir action, for 6.25 months of the year) Theater. Talks are still in place for him to direct ‘Garbage Ordinance Droid 117’, with Dream Disney (Owned by LUCAS EMPIRE GAMES, still independent, and a Purple Ray Reader free with every, movie chip set bought of STARWARS, The Decology, in Media Mode, play any character, part, director, pilot, Jedi Monk, live the STARWARS Life and count all way to the end for the meaningless of money) a children’s film, but weather in the Amazon Desert, has stopped shooting, and the Monsoon season, in the Middle East, means that The Sports Illustrated, Wave Board, event is a must on the second largest manmade wave lake, so he’ll be there, so not filming”
It’s nice to wake up.
The 360 Version will be fine, and MS will bring out a Tilt Control, even if they have to buy Sony.
And again, the cock crows, wipe the sleep from my eyes. Check calendar, Burnout Paradise is still, a couple of months away, and once again I’m bored.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Mon, 10/08/2007 - 14:29
Top Tip #1....
Kev, most people don't need to worry about me.. its just you a buzz who seem to feel the wrath of my left fist... it seems the only way i can kill people and you just always seem to be there.. lol
theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...
theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...
Fri, 10/12/2007 - 18:38
Truth and Nostalgia
I loved reading this Suffur, made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside remembering all the great times on Burnout past and thinking about the wonders of Burnout future. I do believe that Paradise will help to shift a few PS3's in fact I am semi tempted to get a PS3 to play Paradise on! But the main reason I play is for those warm fuzzy moments with all the friends I have made on Xbox Live, so I guess I will stick to playing Paradise on the 360.
--- The Original and the Best ---
oO EezO Oo
Sat, 10/13/2007 - 03:03
PS3 Blueray
Anybody remember that other cutting edge media format Sony came out with a few years back? Beta max anyone??
" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "
CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!
Sat, 10/13/2007 - 05:08
RE: a PS3?? Why?
come on mane im getting both copoes 2 reasons xbox 360 so i can play with my friends and ps3 because criterion put more work into the ps3 version they even said so muhahahaha
The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)
(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)
oO EezO Oo
Sat, 10/13/2007 - 05:50
devils advocate
Maybe because its a PITA to work with? LOL (unashamed 360 fan comment)
" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "
CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!
Sat, 10/13/2007 - 09:31
I think its widly acknowledged that betamax was a superior quality format, hence its dominance in the broadcast world. The problem was that VHS was just more popular. The reason for this popularity was the recording time - by degrading the quality they could give the end user up to 4 hour recording time.
The title? - there is an urban myth that there was less porn on the beta hence its decline.
50 Hurtz
Sat, 10/13/2007 - 22:09
I always thought Betamax was better quality too, but then I was the last person I knew at the time to get a VCR I didn't get one til '87!!! but having read the wiki on Betamax due to Eezo's comment today there probably wasn't that much of a quality difference between VHS and Betamax in the end with VHS HQ. Anyhoo all really frickin boring and irrelevant as both formats are dead as dodo's now! I'm not sure if the whole HD DVD v Blue Ray thing will matter much either, wont we all just be downloading/streaming movies anyway???? I know I wont be getting an HD DVD or Blue Ray player for movies anytime soon anyway, but I could just be a decade behind everyone else like I was with VHS!
--- The Original and the Best ---
Tue, 10/16/2007 - 17:58
Re Beta max by Ezo
sorry to cut accross you all but dosent Sony get the applause for creating the Mini Disk player, yes I have one of these usless gadgets that holds close to 3 or 4 times the amount of a regular CD but at half the size and you could record with it as well, I think mine cost £250 and a couple of weeks later the first MP3 player came out, gutted man
Cymru am Byth