I's it just me or are Video games getting easier, I couldent do a thing with PGR 1 or 2, PGR 3 was a little easier all though I failed to get many achivements on it, apparently I played it the wrong way, oh how my friends laughed at my noobness anyway I got PGR 4 last week and got up to 500 points in 2 hours and that includes doing a wheelie while in front place, it kinda slows you down a bit, and its the same with Halo, I couldent do Halo 2 and only got half way through it, I completed Halo 3 on Legendery last night (god that feels good),I cant really coment on Burnout as I only Played 3 which was very hard and havent botherd with revenge as all cars and tracks are available online, COD 2 wow what a hard game that was bloody imposible but then COD 3 a lot easier I think my mind is starting to wonder now so thats it

Phobes's picture

not insulting u as a gamer, but i agree, halo 3 was pretty easy on legedary, and so was CoD 3, i havnt played PGR 4 but i no alot of people are sayin the same thing. I dont know if games are gettin easier or as a whole live gamers are gettin better. I mean i still cain all my friends off live so mayb were just better gamers (thats a nice thought isnt it). :D

BootlegGiant's picture

you might as well insult me as every one else seem's to do so, lol, I also forgot to mention Forza which I found hard and Forza 2 which was simple and got boring as I never lost a race, I did however read somewhere that game developers were going to make games easier to try and get more people to play them

Cymru am Byth

ZombieTron's picture

The problem with making games easy for noobs and to get more people to play is that gamers will feel cheated at paying £30+ for a game that is way too easy for them, not challenging and finished too quickly.

Isn't that what difficulty settings are for? I think games should have Easy settings for noobs, there have been plenty of games which I stopped playing cos I got stuck on one bit!

But there should also be the option of making the game too difficult, like there is on Halo 3. If Legendary on Halo 3 is too easy for you, try it with all the skulls switched on!

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

Halo 3 on Legendery is not easy, its a nightmare heck its even inpossible on Normal but with a little help from my american and english buddies I have completed Halo 3 on Legendery *smashes fist in the air* I never saw a point on doing games on differant difficulty settings, as the ending is always the same and so dont see a point to it, I wouldent have botherd with Legendery apart from the co-op bit which if I can add is a blast, I have lost count of the times I have re done levels 


Cymru am Byth

SUFFUR's picture

after the credits??Did you get all the terminals, skulls and then the rubber ducks from Crackdown, which gives you the real ending to Halo 3??? It was so Howard the Duck, by Lucas, and when we play Paradise, the Unlock code from the rubber ducks, will give us the Van from the film, see they are all made by the same company, well Bungie will not admit it but, they may tell the truth after the split from Microsoft?

Well done Boot, for finishing Halo 3 on the Legendary bit, now go for those campain scores with some skulls on, you can still do it with 4 people.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?