Welcome to Tabbed Browsing

My Computersaurus has finally fossilised and been replaced by a super sexy and lightning fast black and silver beast with everything I could possibly need!

I no longer have time to make a coffee and round of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while I'm waiting for my computer to boot.

I have no reason to swear at my screen because its frozen. I wont get headaches from the jet engine fans that I used to have.

I love my new computer!

Welcome to Tabbed Browsing, Welcome to the 21st Century!

Thank You SUF-F-F-F-UR!



SUFFUR's picture

I have fast and it lasted 2 weeks until another processor came out(probably more) and 2 graphic cards have also been released, making it old in two weeks, , not that i'm bothered with a new graphic card as, the new ones have been tested by friends, and they can kill them pretty quick, and while i watched, one over heated so much even before it drivers had time to kick in, and when they did, it sounded like concord for an hour, trying to cool down, but it did run Grid, so well, I thought about giving it another go, till i realized i still can't drive it, lol.

Anyway going by this post everything went as planned, for which I am happy, welcome to the time saving slaving of computers Zombie, and Xan thank you for making it look better, with the programes etc, other wise it just would have been a shiney box.

Talking of boxes, got my first 360 back, new Mother board and DVD drive, which is nice going to lend it to a friend, though, I think my Elite needs a service, as it's full of dust, so maybe after that. Thank you microsoft services, good turn around, and sent it back working which is always nice. I think, I still have to plug it in yet, to see?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?