Internet Denied Part 2

I have found out the meaning of the word Unlimited and it is 5Gb in peak times!

Virgin Media have considered my 5,6GB downloading in peak times as excessive, and they have now put me on their throttle list. So, for this week between 4pm and 12am EVERYDAY my speed is being capped to that of a 64kbps dial up connection… but it feels a lot slower!

I have called and asked for them to reinstate my full speed, I have emailed a request and I even pleaded with the instant messenger help person to give me my broadband back!

But, apparently they can’t do anything about it. Once you are on the throttle list, you remain throttled all week!

Trying to play online in the evenings is now completely pointless. Xandu couldn’t even ring me from his ip phone without us getting disconnected every 3 seconds.  I have been told that this will remain until 1am on Monday! We are going away on Thursday next week, for our 2-week holiday, so I wont get much gaming in before having to go without for a fortnight. At least my connection will be back to full speed for getting the Cagney update on the 14th, and should be fast enough to play it for the few days before we go away.

So, I now want to change providers, anybody got any recommendations? I want an ISP which works with Xbox Live and doesn’t hide a traffic management facility deep in the pages of their terms and conditions.

I don’t mind there being a download limit as long as its reasonable and I know about it! Ideally I don’t want a long contract… damn I might have to stay put! Oish!


Aaboe's picture

I have truly unlimited download, and a nice 8 MBit line down and 2 up. I need the unlimited as with following WWE in their neverending endeavour to display stupidity in all its aspects, plus my own server with no less than 2 webshops with heaps of traffic everyday; about 2 GB download a week as a bare minimum.

But... the downside is that you get exactly what you pay for. I pay an arm and a leg a month for this connection (about £50 a month including 3 hour service), but I wouldn't change to something cheaper and possibly more unreliable. I bound myself (then, several years ago) for a 12 month minimum and have only upgraded when I could since then. Not changed ISP. You might have to bite the bullet, Zombie, and get a longer contract with someone big who doesn't hide conditions in ant-script.

Aaboe, who's become better at offline Paradise and is currently about 6K on Revenge live...

SUFFUR's picture

But due to poor construction of the Telephone network in your area they could not give it to you, so you had to downgrade, tell them that, and ask to speak to a manager, they know your history if you have been with them long enough, tell them they failed you in the past and your down load limit was for a new PC build and reinstating what you lost, if they want to be picky, tell them you'll go to Sky, and stop being wasters of your time and theirs, because they broke your upgrade contract! And be nice about it, and if that manager don't help tell them to get thier manager to phone you, if you still have issues I give you Richards number, he hates customers complaining about something that should have been dealt with a, " Sorry, I'll reconnect you, it will take an hour", end of!

Plus if they gave you no warnings before, had you regualary went over your limit, they can't cut you off, for a 1 time overload.

They still can't fix mine yet, it's getting to the point of wasting my time and money and thiers now.


To tell you the truth the IP providers are starting to take the micky out of us as well as the Moblie Phone People, I can understand they need cash to build an infostucture to their customers, but once it's paid for, why rip people off, and though most of the stuff is getting replaced, most people should get 2meg as the norm 2day, and the peak hour thing should not be a problem for the customer, it should be the companies duty to give the customer what it pays for at any time, they should be able to handle the traffic, because it should have been built that way in the first place, if it's not why sell under false pretences, and no little print of peak hours it will run slow, then with the cash we are giving them, make it so it isn't.

Water, Gas, Electric, and all communications should be run by the government, and when for domestic use, should be the same consistant price for everyone, it's only when big business, uses them, they should pay more for thier abuse of these resources, and where the governemt can use the profit from big business to make a profit, that goes back into improving the SYSTEM for everyone for our future's people.

Sorry if it sounds very communist, but if Governement was run better before it was sold off, to line people pockets.

Soon, the school, prison, health services will be put under the private sector. The Governemt was run for people to give people a better life, not make money, one of the reasons that we have elections every 4 years is to make sure no-one took the ssip, but since they are all the same, its peter pays paul, to give peter a loan, taht he borrowed of paul in the first place. Every Dollar you pay for at interest, so that dollar is worth less because you had to buy it and then pay for it and pay the interest on top.

In America the Petrol they buy is subsidized by the government, so they get in even more debt, it seems strange that the richest Americans (like the oil guys for example) are the ones going to kill thier own counrty, and do it in less than 300 years after it's birth, why wait for someone to hurt you, like a terrorist, your own people are doing a better job.

And no, every counrty is like this or has died because of it, all for money, to make more money.

See Virgin Media what happens when you mess with people, it opens up a can of worms people can't close, eat, or throw away, it just sits there stinking up the place, costing time and money.

Living back in the woods again is starting to sound fun, all you did is work, sleep, eat, and have sex and in any order you wanted too. And when I mean work you did the food gathering, the shelter repair, collected wood and water and GOD DAMN IT, I HATE THIS UNIVERSE, ITS RUN ON MONEY, THE DEAD AND DYING, FORGET YOUR YOUNG JUST EAT THEM. IT SAVES THEM FROM SEEING THE AWEFUL MISTAKES THAT HAVE BEEN MADE AND GIVES YOU ENOUGH FOOD FOR A WEEK.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? DING it run out again!


PS anyone eating their young, do so at thier own risk, and it's not my fault you choked on their collar bone.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PsychedelicBabe's picture

I read this and my first word was WOW......every last word you wrote was just so right.....and i dream of living in the woods it seems such a nicer who needs it really its just the rich getting fat of the richer....keep blogging because your comments and thoughts are just so pleasurable to read and it opens peoples minds when people express themselves in the way you have here...........