Revenge versus Paradise

I read so much about the opinions concerning these 2 games... Revenge is for the serious racer and Paradise is for the laid-back tourist...

Not for me. I think if Paradise has one big flaw it's the fact that it eats *hours* of your time. I sit down to play some Paradise, fool around a bit, win a few events (nothing online, not good enough, thankyouverymuch), and look at the time. Where the *bleep* did the past 4 hours disappear to???

With Revenge on the other hand, if I play offline I can set a goal for myself as in, finish this level or master this track, and a limited amount of time later, I've managed. Online play is rarely more than half an hour or so; not because people aren't nice or anything, but simply that my adrenaline gets going way up and my vocabulary goes way down (I had *NO* idea I'd be so efficient at swearing online at oncoming traffic, innocent walls and other racers who's just taken me down). To give my blood pressure a rest, I quit :-)

So... what's best? Yes. Or no. Depending on POW. I like them both for different reasons, but they can both drive me absolutly bonkers in no time if the day is just not *my* day. Than I can drive on a straight stretch of road without traffic and still crash a million times. Other times you're just... invincible. It's really, for me, about mood of the day. They both great games and I just look *so* much forward to both Cagney and Eastwood, to see where Paradise is next taking us. And of course also looking forward to getting better at online Revenge racing :-D

Just my 2c...

Aaboe [gamercard:Aaboe]


Jinno Angelo's picture

I dont think I play enough Paradise offline or online to ever say that game could make me say "Holy Sh*t where did the time go?". I could however say that if I play Revenge because I can definitely go into the game. No, I dont yell or scream or bust out profanities. I just chuck my controller to the solid ground when need be LOL, Just Kidding.

I think Revenge is much more suited for me tho not because of the adrenaline, heck no, I get no adrenaline from playing this game. Rather I think because Im just want a challenge of perfecting my routes which brings me ever closer to that controller and the pressing the ON button on the 360.



"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).