Aaboe's blog


... makes the heart grow fonder, absent minded "professor" *cough*, but NOT absinth!

I've been away for absolutely ages, and there's no sign of letting up. I'm no longer a WoW widow, but an active participant, as I've gotten totally hooked. Oh well... so far I'm helping hubby by looking over shoulder, making my opinion heard on quests and groups and raid and stuff... basically being a backseat driver. Come Easter that will change. Then both of us, plus a friend, will start from scratch as a group, and I'll be irreversibly a WoW'er.

Warcraft Widow


Lately I've been playing a bit around offline in Paradise, and massive amounts of Lego games, both StarWars and Indy. And I really, really want to play around in Batman WITH hubby. But what is he doing? Playing WOW... I'm a Warcraft Widow and I just want to play!

And now I'll go sulk with some Kung Fu Panda until the time where he deems himself ready to actually play with me. *pout*



The consequence of repairs

Ok, I've done it. Maybe I'm totally silly, but...

I just bought an extra eggbox today. I'm kind tired of waiting for mickeysoft to get their heads out of their backsides. 1) it took them 3 days to send me the email with addy label for sending to service center

2) I sent it Thursday last week and they still claim they're waiting for it. UPS *has* delivered it to them according to the tracking number

3) I'm getting a friend over Saturday and a week on, and she's very interested in knowing something about Revenge online and Paradise, and... well, you get the picture.

Driving music or music for RL driving

Yesterday I had a bit of driving to do in Real Life... in this case about 450 kilometers (or 300 miles for you UK and US people), from Copenhagen to where I live. Now, we all know that driving while being sleepy is a Very Bad Idea, but I just wanted to get HOME! So what to do? Find some great music! And play it loud!!!

Finally Elite

Yup, it's finally happened... I've reached my Elite license!


Here I am, willing (and sorta able) to take some time to get the update for Paradise, and what happens? My Live membership has run out something like... yesterday! Now is that typical or what?

Fortunately I could order immediately from a shop at a good price, and should have it tomorrow. Then... bikepack, here I come!




It's happened!!! I started the box up today to try and get the last superjumps with a little help from ILM and the Criterion guide, and with a bzzzzt and a powerdown I was left to stare at a black screen and the RRoD!


Now I can only wait until I get my dear little box back... *depressed*




Getting around in Paradise

So it's been a while... 2 weeks vacation away from the dear box, and tons of work waiting when I was home all conspired to make me feel hopelessly out of date.


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