Aaboe's blog

Rank bouncing

I've lately been bouncing up and down the ranks list.

It started out innocently... race in a cool room, do pretty good and get rank at 6800-something. Then disaster strikes... first every crosstraffic in the place seems to cross right in front of me, so I'm hanging on to 6th place for dear life, and then... I freeze. Right in the middle of a drift around a corner everything just froze. Picture me cursing a dark blue streak and frantically leaping over the couch table for the power button on my 360.

Revenge versus Paradise

I read so much about the opinions concerning these 2 games... Revenge is for the serious racer and Paradise is for the laid-back tourist...

Not for me. I think if Paradise has one big flaw it's the fact that it eats *hours* of your time. I sit down to play some Paradise, fool around a bit, win a few events (nothing online, not good enough, thankyouverymuch), and look at the time. Where the *bleep* did the past 4 hours disappear to???

First week online

Thought I'd give a little update on my progress after a week online. I haven't been silly enough to play a *lot*, but I've usually managed to get online and play for about half to one hour a day. I'm presently at world rank 8859 and have been as low as 8155 earlier today, but a Road Rage took care of that. Not too shabby, eh?

Live debut

I finally did it! Yesterday I finally set things up (moved a network cable and used the redeeming code I got back in January for 3 months live play) and held my heart in my hands and... went live.

I started out with what I know best, Revenge, as I was waaaay too timid to try Paradise live, as I don't want to look *too* much like a loser to others. And my fears got proved.

Intro from Denmark

Better say hi now after having lurked here a while...

Who am I? Girl from northern Denmark in my thirties (and don't ask how high), who loves to relax with some Burnout. I have Takedown, Revenge (original and 360) and of course Paradise.


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