So it's been a while... 2 weeks vacation away from the dear box, and tons of work waiting when I was home all conspired to make me feel hopelessly out of date.
However, despite thoughts to the contrary, the first game that got loaded up was *not* Revenge for some online racing... nonono, Cagney update!!! (vacation was August 1 - 16) So what have I been doing on the box since? Oh, nothing much... aside from getting the map of Paradise permanently tattooed on the inside of my brain. I've actually found myself thinking; ok, so in getting to Coastguard, the fastest way is... you know how it is, I'm sure
And have I been online? Nope. Nothing other than looking at the amount of freeburn rooms and just going, oh no... let me at least get a *few* more cars to drive around in! You see, I'm not even at Elite license yet! But I'm finally at the point where I have something to brag about, I feel. I watched earlier a video on YouTube about stuntrun:
and decided to put the theory to the test... and for the first time EVER I've actually made it up to almost half a million in a stuntrun! Yes, I'm pretty proud of myself. I also found out that the Inferno van is quite good at getting the time rules done, so that's all achieved, plus almost all showtimes are done. Now I *just* need to find the last darn 3 roads for showtime, and then winning some burning routes plus some more races, and Elite license here I come!
Oh yeah, and finding those last smashes, jumps and billboards that seem to elude me at the moment. Anyway, this game is still IMNSHO a serious time-eater and gets me numb thumbs (try saying that 5 times fast) and sore thighs from where my elbows rest, but it's just plain FUN! And some day I might even get courageous and get online!
tata for now...
Aaboe [gamercard:aaboe]