Coats, Floats, Goats and Boats


Oh,…. its you!...... Right,… errm. Now where was I? That’s right, I was playing on my game thing last night, a car game, same story whenever I play, I get the voices in my fragile mind and they call me a strange name…



Friends list blues. I’m pretty much up to my limit on my friends list, around the 99 mark.

Keep thinking to myself, clear some dead wood, make some new friends, etc.

But the problem is, all on there, are on there for a good reason, some I don’t play with so often, some even haven’t been online for months, but I know they are gonna be back,

I would say about a quarter of them have been on my f/l for over 5 years now, going back to the black eggbox of course.

My first Friend was my mate and my brother (BIGBADWOLFY) Xbox live beta tester, bit of a tosser if the truth be known. Anyhoo,

He was the man responsible for unleashing my potty mouth on the live scene and he was also responsible for telling me to buy Burnout 3 takedown,

It only seems like yesterday when I hooked my internet lead into my box, and hit the connect to Xbox live button for the first time, Funnily enough I even remember the room, it was full of “Jonny  F*****G foreigners” as I  so delicately put it to them. After they handed my arse to me repeatedly, I thanked them and went on my merry way.

From that moment on I was a burnoutaholic and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

5 years down the line, many have come and gone, Loads of memories, some good and some bad.

I think a big THANKS is in order to all of you, who have put up with my vile usage of the English language, my insane drunken ramblings and my denial to myself that someone really did get the first shot in, or got that cheap lucky takedown on me.

 So to all my friends, be it on here or on live. Its been a facking blast and I hope the next 5 years are as good as the last 5.

Peace out, you tossers.


SUFFUR's picture


Pick any word as long as it is any word that is derogitory, meaning a real put down, not very nice and covered in some sort of stuff thats, festerring. But the long distant relative type of word, people sent away in the first place, and are now getting the stamps to send you back. Because a Griffin, bit myffik mind, mistook you for something dead and rotting, but realised you were still a live and dropped you here, after it swallowed you.

Kev the first Ring jumper, without a parachute, well a 'chute anyway. Damn this is fun, maybe more later.

And he's got no Eggbox, so he has become a troll, lol.

Just realized I broke the Code of Conduct, but maybe..., i'll win the Lotto and not care , you can look this one up in an old post, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Oh and I remember someone else you met all those years ago, a female?

You should send her a special message, with feeling, fracking hint here dude, and be able to send that message too, via Xbox Live, and should have the capabilty to recieve one back. Also a strong hint.


I like laundry, it's good to dry it out, fold it up and put it away, and leave a fresh smell in the air.

Of course with some people it will need washing again tommorrow, because of someone's incontinance, but then again shyte happens.

Luv you Kev.

"Oh' for the wings of a Fracking Big Dove."*


*Not Brintney Spears, hers was...


"Oops  I did it again...", Just don't hit me, OK!


100 yards off a cliff, on fire, OK with you?

Right, I'm Off!

... just like Kev, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?