kevlar0's blog

The Paradise cup 2 (starting soon)

Any of you Aholics out there fancy there chances doing some competitive racing with like minded Burners, There is a tourny starting in a couple of weeks. Its going to be over a ten week period, covering all the 40 Paradise drives plus some certain custom routes, all the classes of boost will also be used, the races are usually ran on a saturday night uk time, the rooms are going to be seeded, so if you ain't the best racer you will still be in with a chance. go sign up, what have you got lose.

Easter games

Just found a recent article on the Yahoo frontpage comparing consoles and which games to play over the Easter break, and Burnout Paradise recieved a mention in the 360 part: "However our best find for the 360 is the Burnout Paradise Ultimate box. Not only does this bundle feature the finest, funnest online racer on any console - complete with new vehicles and motorbikes"

Read the full article here

Black Paradise.

After a comment by zombs on twitter I found this,

Don't know how true it is considering it was released on april 1st.

Maybe its a shooter based in paradise city, at least i will know the


Disappearing players.

Over the last week or so i have been experiencing a new bug, During some freeburn challenges the connection between 2 players seems to be unsynchronized, this has happened to me on three occasions now.

The cars you have been waiting for!

This Thursday (or not) the boost specials will be released "ThePosterBoyThe Boost Specials Collection will be available on 360 and PlayStation 3 on Thursday 9th March...more details soon", even though today is the 9th of march, i will investgate.

PCPD pack.

It was announced yesterday on the PS3 and PC news pages about another premium download, Cops n Robbers or pursuit mode, i have been looking on other fan sites for details but the PS3 users seem reluctant to give any infomation away to 360 users, i found some pics on Operation Burnout but there were no details of what the news feed text said, although the question was asked many times by 360 users, one poster said we should have bought a PS3 then we could have seen what it said, (very helpful member of the community indeed).

Two new acheivments. *

If you take a look on your Burnout Paradise acheivment list you will see at the bottom two new ones for the party pack.

What acheivment would you have with the new DLC if you could make your own up ???

15G - Forum closer (Close any Burnout forum down)

25G - Toys outta pram (upset someone with power)

10G - Its my ball and i'm going home (never play paradise cause theres no speedo)

10G - Its just not cricket (get less then 100 hours of gameplay in paradise).

Feel free to make your own up, if you are ps3 you could make your own trohpies up.

constructive criticism or slagging off?


Over at the doghouse a certain Alexw has made a post about cross marketing and the future of adverts in-game, in the middle of his post he decided to have a pop at us Burnoutaholics, and i quote

"Other last minute additions include mentioning the Burnoutaholics guys (although seeing how much they've slagged us off all year I doubt we'll be doing that again...shame really)"


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