kevlar0's blog

Crash T.V episode 12

Short and sweetish, I think it lasted about 5 mins, Firstly The two chaps waffled on about mugshot and how to do them, the they announced the realease date for P.C version of paradise which is feb 09.

Then they went on to announce the next pack, Which is paid content 4 new cars but they only showed one, the special 88, which is a p12 done up to look like the DeLorean from Back to the future, when you hit a certain speed you leave flames on the road and just after that you wheels turn up and the car floats.

I'm making a note here, huge success.

Its here folks, you can have your cake and eat it. Portal: Still alive availible on the marketplace NOW. 680meg, 1200 points. mmmmmmm cakey goodness..

Burner meet up, 20th 21st December

Ok folks, heres the deal, in December I thought it might be a good idea to have a get togther, By that time the tigers and SUFF will hopefully be back from the far east for the festive period, I have already been asking people on my friends list and quite a few have expressed intrest. Also drunk is off to pastures new in the new year so its also a farewell party for him.

The best place is going to be somewhere central to us all, so Derby looks like a good bet, plenty of bnb's and hotels (or we could all pile into omars campervan).

At long last the gonads over at have decided in there infinite wisdom to put your friends list back to how it was, and about bloody time too, seven pages of friends was just too much, I like the 1 page thing, much easier to see which idiots are playing gaylo on your friends list. Have they changed anything else?? cause i'm not terribly observant.


The rai-jin with boost is an awesome machine, and it looks lovely in red.

yes! i learned a glitch, so what!.. This could be the Paradise answer to the boost jumping glitch in Revenge.

SUFFER is a Wookie

Being uneggboxless for over a week now, I have taken to other pastimes like drinking and watching telly.

Some of the drivel the T.V companies try to pass off as entertainment is ludicrous; you have three choices from the mainstream companies, Cooking, Soaps or reality TV.

Don’t it always seem to go, but you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone!

Last night in a desperate attempt to relieve the boredom I dusted down my old black eggbox, got a few old games outs, whacked it up to my broadband and hey presto.

 My old box is shagged, Not totally broken, but well on its way.

SUFFER said it was my DVD drive that was going.

 But never the less I soldiered on.

My eggbox has passed away.

While playing cod4 (of all the blooming games i could have been playing when it died it had to be this) yesterday, the rrofd appeared.


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