At long last the gonads over at have decided in there infinite wisdom to put your friends list back to how it was, and about bloody time too, seven pages of friends was just too much, I like the 1 page thing, much easier to see which idiots are playing gaylo on your friends list. Have they changed anything else?? cause i'm not terribly observant.


PsychedelicBabe's picture

....I had noticed the friends list difference........ok they may have sorted that tihs out but you try getting in on a game of COD4 or Mercanaries 2....or UNO....etc etc......the systems gone CRAZY........they have messed up somewhere seriously.......over on there are over 50 threads all relating to the same problems....i hope they sort this tihs out soon VERY SOON.....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....