SUFFER is a Wookie

Being uneggboxless for over a week now, I have taken to other pastimes like drinking and watching telly.

Some of the drivel the T.V companies try to pass off as entertainment is ludicrous; you have three choices from the mainstream companies, Cooking, Soaps or reality TV.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could pick up your controller and guide the action on set, Jack Duckworth having a knife fight with Gordon Ramsey or free roam on Albert square, Dot Cotton goes on the rampage with a rocket launcher,  Teabagging all in her wake, then jumps into her Revenge Racer and gets a laggy takedown on Peggy.

Fortunately there have been some good films on over the last week to keep my sanity in tact (well, as tactily as its ever been) The Shining (Kept changing channel on the really scary bits). Apocalypse now and a few others. and the endless repeats of top gear on Dave.

Over the last few days there has been a big bright yellow thing in the sky, warming my cold blood and burning my pallid skin, oh joy, summer is here at last. And I have three weeks off work to do as I please, (there was mention of painting walls and putting shelves up, rotflmfao) I can foresee much fishing and al fresco drinking sprees, (BBQ’s to you normal people), as well as walking on my feet with my dog, to places’ unknown. i.e the new pub up the road.

So please please please Microsoft, hasten the return of my console before all hope is lost and I turn into a normal person,


Contrary to popular belief, you are a knob.


SUFFUR's picture

as you can see, had to bring the other sharer of the brain cell in to prove that idiots mate... i did finger painting yesterday, stained some fences, and Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

I luv kev, or if i did not it would be against human rights...though ... nah leave that one for next week..boing...wibble...c yar.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?