kevlar0's blog

Coats, Floats, Goats and Boats


Oh,…. its you!...... Right,… errm. Now where was I? That’s right, I was playing on my game thing last night, a car game, same story whenever I play, I get the voices in my fragile mind and they call me a strange name…



Friends list blues. I’m pretty much up to my limit on my friends list, around the 99 mark.

Keep thinking to myself, clear some dead wood, make some new friends, etc.

A month in


A month in and……

Completed the offline,(101%) And my Tourettes has taken a real turn for the worst in the last few weeks, But I’m pleased to say I’m getting into a groove in the game now, Onlines going well at the moment,

With friends or randoms, (most of whom test my patience to the ******* limit( meaning ramdoms of course. ),

Merry Christmas too all of you

Have a great new year,  And thanks to all my friends  for putting up with me for the last 12 months.. love Kev

freeman catlogue seem to have the first b/o paradise bundle deal.

Seeing as i am having a well deserved break off work, i decided to pick up the most recent  freeman xmas supplment, and to my suprise they are offering paradise and two other games a premium 360 and all the bits £612, a bit pricey.

But the funny thing is there is no preorder, immediate delivery as well, But they are using the old artwork cover, and due to the fact it aint being released till january 2025, its highly unlikely there really have any paradise discs.

but, if i had a spare 612 squid i would buy one just for the paradise disc, but i aint, so i won't bother.

Bout time I wrote something on here, burnout on halo 3

Twas a dark and stormy Wednesday night, I popped my eggbox on and joined monkies room, {Halo3 custom game}. I spawned middle of the map rocket launcher on my shoulder, watching a mongoose flying through the air at least 600 foot up in the air, two men on board, I didn't have a clue what was going on, so as you do, i opened fire on anything that moved or looked like it was going to move. "whats going on?"(which is a question i ask a lot), I asked suffer. "rocket race" was the reply. oooooo, i thought sounds like fun.


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