Merry Christmas too all of you

Have a great new year,  And thanks to all my friends  for putting up with me for the last 12 months.. love Kev


SUFFUR's picture

Sorry to my Wii friends, you have to stick, with back-compat, with Game Cube versions, but still count. PSP Network, only know 4 of you, but your Burner's, and get a shout too. And to all the Burnout Community, disjointed as lovers, of at least one game in the series, maybe two, but all passionate about a game played almost everyday, that Xbox Voice may have to open another server, for the days, on end, of play, (not true), Laugh Out Loud, (Sorry been watching Californication). And lets see what the New Year brings, with Burnout Paradise, some loving or hating, but fun all the same. And built just for us  Aholic Burners, by Burners (probably Aholic's all), and New Ones (Baby Burners, (I did not inhale the experience, so not addicted yet), Random's, Road Kill, Virgins, and Un-Popped Cherries, Knoobs, Noobs (other words ending in 'obs', and 't', 'r', 'k', well most of the letters of the alphabet)) to yet join our addiction!

Also Nadolig Uwawen, Cymru ambyth, to Bootleg, was going to do a whole international thing, with Merry Xmas in all Languages, but just more fun to pick on Boot, have a good one dude.

And to all the dudettes and dudes, keep on Burning, wheels-a-turning, starting up your console with a Burnout Title of Your Choice and less of the crashing, you'll win another one yet! And Rank up! I mean that, why would i joke about that, someone may get to Rank 1, that we know from the site or forums and worked for it, it could happen, now where are those Pig Wings, surgical tape and my Catapult. PULL! Time for a BBQ!

It's Christmas, or for the Politically Correct, have a nice day off, if you get one, if not, get a day, laters on, to pretend it was an official day off?

Oh, and don't Quit Early, unless it's an emergency!?!  The Turkey Burning don't count!  Just because it's faster than you! As you Aholic's knows, you have to catch it and take it down, finish first and win the set before you can quit.


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?