Tried Cagney

and it was good!

I haven't enjoyed Paradise that much for a long time!

Timed Challenges have especially grabbed me, with the group of 5/6/7 players we had today it was a lot of fun and we got to the number 1 spot for a few challenges too!!  I think this is where the competition is going to be for me, as I still don't LOVE racing in Paradise, although I haven't tried the new ranked racing yet, so reserve the right to change my mind!

I think the online game modes are great, although I think Road Rage still works best on Burnout 3. Marked Man and Stunt Run are both a lot of fun, and I even won a Stunt Run event!!

I have also been catching up a bit on some web stuff, the forums are as loopy as ever, and there are even a few clones out there. But, its not all bad, Zero Jay has started up a forum at which is definitely worth a visit, I have added it to our Burnout Community Links page too.

I still haven't gotten around to watching Crash TV episode 6, although the tag line on the website "Episode 6:
What is Burnout?" makes it a must watch! might get around to it tomorrow...

If you are still not convinced by Paradise I would recommend playing at a friends with the Cagney update as it may persuade you to purchase a copy for yourself (or to repurchase it if you were an early trader). It really does make it a different online experience and much more of the experience I would expect from a next gen Burnout, although as I said before the racing is still not fully tested! It is definitely not boring anymore boot!

Whichever Burnout you are playing, enjoy!