Rai Jin in Reverse

Last night in Paradise, we started off doing Road Rules, just me and Xandu at first, then SUFFUR jumped in followed by YBMaster who brought a couple of others and then a little later Kevlar0 joined too so the room was full. 

I was in the PCPD and got lots of PB’s. But, one of the kids who joined us was intent on sending me Smug Shots and broke almost all of my rules!!!!

I was milliseconds off of owning some roads, but still the Silver Sign eludes me! 

The room whittled down so only Xandu, Suffur, Kevlar0 and me were left. I took a look at the 4 player timed challenge leader boards and saw that Xandu and I had a RUBBISH time on Milling Around. We all started off in Rai Jins but kept getting accidental takedowns in the mill, so Kev, Xan and I changed to more jump happy cars. Suffur (cos he is hardcore) stayed in the Rai Jin.

We tried the challenge a few times and as we weren’t beating our PB raced back to the start point to try again. Suffur, as he was facing the wrong way, reversed back to the trailer park in his Rai Jin and he was much faster reversing in the Rai Jin then we were in the Kitano Gamespot car with full boost going forwards!!!

The Rai Jin in Reverse is a Beast!


SUFFUR's picture

Pretty car, looks good in red, would be better in black, and drives better with stolen boost, drives faster than most cars backwards while they are going forwards, hence I was using it to get good times on Reverse challenges, other wise I would not be driving it.

Boostless cars are entertaining, but not really Burnout. But hey I don't make the game, I just play it...

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

YBMASTER's picture

 Yeah that was fun only wish i could have stayed for longer time rules are really fun when u get in to them really need to get my own xbox