Updated Links

I have updated some of the Links over on our Links page, as alot of the EA pages now direct straight to CriterionGames.com, I have removed them.  Some of the other links were also non-existant so have been removed.

I have added links direct to the Criterion Games YouTube channel and Flickr sites.

If you know of any other good Burnout or Xbox related sites that we are missing please let me know, and we will get them added.



PsychedelicBabe's picture


http://www.xboxlivenation.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1446&Itemid=27 Im an active member of Xbox Live Nation....and above is the link that i found for some guys blog......which includes his love of the complete Burnout series.......especially Paradise............but anyway i checked your links and i noticed that Xbox Live Nation isnt there........its a really good site and it offers many features....oh yeah you need a link dont you.... http://www.xboxlivenation.com/  it really is cool........I found this one which is a good site to gamerscorewhore.com ......


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....