Halloween Podcast

If you haven't already seen it, I recommend you go to ITunes and subscribe to the Crash TV podcast and download episode 11, The Halloween Special.

There is a great mini movie tribute to Resident Evil!   It looks the the boys at Criterion Games had a lot of fun making this weeks podcast, and I enjoyed watching it. It is a perfect RE tribute, down to the footstep sound effects and door opening graphics! It's probably the shortest podcast yet, but definitely worth a look, if only for the Resident Evil tribute!!

Nice work Simes! I loved it!

I also really enjoyed watching Dead Set on E4 this week, if you missed it, or any of it (I missed Wednesdays episode) E4 are showing the extended version at 10pm tomorrow, the 1/11/08. Zombie Comedy at it's TV best! and you know I love Zombies!!

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!