Nearly Norway: Part 1 - Refurbishment!

As you may have noticed Xandu and I have not been online much for the last couple of weeks. This is because we have been in Norway working feverishly away on refurbishing our new BurnoutAholics HQ!

Our new HQ is in Bergen in the south west of Norway, a very beautiful part of the world. However the HQ itself is currently less then beautiful and in need of complete refurbishment!! There is still lots of work to do before we can move our base of operations to the other side of the North Sea. The big move should be happening sometime next year.

I am looking forward to reading everything I missed and I hope you all had as much fun over the last 2 weeks as we had with stripping wall paper and demolishing fitted cupboards!

My 360 should be delivered back from UPS tomorrow too! So... See You Online! and it's great to be back!!