Burnout Evolution

There have been a lot of changes in Burnout over the years, looking back at the original game where you have to earn boost, there is the constant risk of not making a checkpoint in time and the big arrows are green. 

To Revenge where boost is always on and there are no checkpoints. You can hit same way traffic out of your way, crash break to get explosive payback in races and takedown your rivals. You can even drift and jump your car to astounding speeds that the Supermini could only dream of. And the big arrows are yellow. You could argue that they are not the same game at all. But they are both distinctly Burnout.

All of the changes recently announced in the PSmag have caused ripples in the Burnout community, a few people going so far as stating they will not buy the game. And my initial feelings when reading the changes were of concern and scepticism. But looking back at the older games in the series and seeing how the series has evolved has restored my confidence.

 I believe that Paradise is still Burnout and even with the Freeburn traffic lights, modifications to enable traffic checking, petrol stations to refill boost and body shops to repair damage. Handbrake turns, online power-ups and no big arrows. I will not find the speed I need in any other game.


SUFFUR's picture

Yeah Zom, i just read the comments on the forums, about the PS mag, and no yellow guides are a bit scarey and now no-one can glitch through, lol. But it sounds like its going more like Midnight club, a game i forgot to mention in my comment of Xan's worried thoughts or even Mid-town Madness for that mater. A 175 races though, going by the traffic lite start ups. But is there going to be downloadable content, haha, you heard that here first. Yeah we are going to have to wait and see what its going to be like for the 360, will M$ bring out a new controller to match $ony$ tilt feature? The mag said (i have not read it, yet someone know a link for some scans) it was a play test, by the $ony mag writers, i know some people have seen other videos and says it looks great, but what does it really play like, until i have ago, or someone i know does whom i trust, i am not going to start labeling it as a waste. Again its a waiting game, a good long wait and a wieght on a lot of peoples minds. LOL.

And a hand-brake, now it sounds more like Midnight club, i might have to buy something Play$tation, to play Legends and Dominator, as old school Burnout is out, here comes the new Evolution.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

I just looked through the article and i am not scared, it looks fine so far, yeah the game's changed, but what do you expect, same old, same old. To those doom bringers, stick to your racing sims, i'm going to buy and try, before i cry wolf, but i hope to howl like one. Its still a racing game, thats going to be new and fresh, from people that have built and played Burnout to death, this is theirs. When can i have virtual street named after me? Suffur street, it has a road block of semis you have to drive under, that peel off your roof for that convertable, fresh air look or something even nastier, like blades that will slice up the car if you don't drive true, or so much cross traffic, that getting through is an achievemnet in its self, The Suffer Street Award 1 pt, now that is to Suffer.

Another thing that might be cool is what music i play on my 360, plays out through the car, i get people racing me just to hear a decent tune, LOL. (Another thing for a wish list)

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

in fact I'm super excited!! now the changes have been in my head for a few more days I am really looking forward to trying it out :-) I'm open for a new experience!

drunknnumpty's picture

So i have finally read the article and i agree with Suf that there is not much in there that worries me.. It does seem they have taken some of the more popular features of other racing games and incorporated in this version of Burnout.. although I dont know if they can claim its part of the series in anything but name..

the one thing that did concern me was around the online races etc.. as there is no lobby there will be no lobby lurking and being able to get all the friends in the same room for a simple race you all have to get to the right locations, which may take longer to get these started..

so on the PS version it looks like you mainly see your friends on the raidar.. if thats the case how do you meet new people.. I have a worry that the online may be a bit like Test Drive in which case it may detract from the fast and furious jumping from one race to another.. i also hope it doesnt loose the community feeling when online, being able to talk to people.. as this is an on/off line linked game is this going to disappear?? will you only be able to talk to the people your are gaming with when you are all in a race?? or will you be able to chat to multiple people while crusing around between races??

so in summary.. some nice sounding touches and some questions answered.. but new ones i haddn't thought of have now arisen.. not about the game play but around the comminity and communications...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

SUFFUR's picture

Nothing Scares you, except maybe...(...thinking)... .. .
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

drunknnumpty's picture

its a revenge racer with a nice big red drunknnumpty gamertag ;)

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...