PC exclusive user(s)

Now that I've had more time to root around the site, read more posts, check out the guides, etc. I'm hoping that The Powers That Be here at BurnoutAholics can make enough room for the PC users.

Khanon...? Whatever do you mean "make room"?

Well...I've noticed, and I can understand, how the site is mainly geared to the console users, at least at the moment. It only makes sense, of course, as those versions have been out for a year or so. However, with the game being released on PC as the Ultimate Box, and further expansions are going to be ported right to PC too, I'm just hoping that PC users will be "welcomed with open arms" as it were to BOA... It's sometimes tough to find a community for a game one plays that satisfies their need for camraderie and information. I spent a couple hours trying to get to forums and peruse sites for the game before finding this place on a link from Criterion's website (a blog entry linked over, if I remember right). PC gamers often tend to be a forum hounding lot, as well...moreso than console gamers usually, simply because it's a simple alt-tab to get there. heh (like right now, I'm paused in the game and tabbed out to here)

I've yet to play online, but I hope that someday the different platforms can play with/against each other (if they can't already), as it could only solidify the community rather than keep it segregated and everyone at each other over what's better. I know that has more to do with Sony and Microsoft than the game devs, but who know...? One day, maybe.

Anyway, I've rambled enough for now. I just wanted to reiterate how much fun I'm having and hope to make a home here at BurnoutAholics... I'm already quite addicted now.



Xandu's picture

The Burnout Franchise has been around since 2001 and Burnout 1 was originally released on XBOX, PS2 and GameCube. This site is for all people that love any of the games in Burnout Series regardless of platform.

Currently Burnout Paradise is pretty much the same game on all platforms. There might be minor differences in graphics and online play (due to platform) and there might be some platform specific bugs. Apart from that the game play and experience should be the same. I realize that this might change on PC since it is easier for Criterion to push out new updates.

Both ZombieTron and I are XBox 360 users that's why the 360 is mentioned more than the PS3 or PC. When there are specific issues on PS3 / PC that needs to be discussed we rely on other members to contribute.

If you have ideas that could make the experience on the site better for you as a Burnout Paradise PC player your suggestions are always welcome. Send me or ZombieTron a PM and we will see what we can do.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

MERCURIG's picture

welcome khanon i have only been on this site for a day and done nowt but moan and ive been welcomed so i think u pc users are safe lol  no seriously welcome and i agree multi platform online play bring it on stop this ''whos the better'' war these guys who say xbox is better or ps3 is superior etc need to get a life and just get on with gaming , they chose their platform with no-one at the till telling them they were wrong or right so they need to stop doing it themselves were all equal, all hail the PcSboX3

Nero Angelo's picture

Its definitely nice to see new members come in and post their ideas and opinions.... Burnoutaholics has come a long way.. I remember when there were only 14 members of this site?? LOL...

One things for sure..... A new set of fresh minds for Arguing and trash talking is always a good thing around here....



"He's just like Me... A Fool looking for a Worthy Opponent." Jubei Yagyu (Shura No Toki)

"There's Nero, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/ 20/ 2009)