Khanon's blog

So THAT'S how you fix the news!

Okay...for those that don't know, I've not been able to get the in-game news articles on my PC since I bought the game. Today, I finally got an answer from CG that it's "somewhere in your security settings, and we're closing this as resolved/fixed"...

WTH?!?! Thanks for the help, guys! *rolls eyes*

What was your "this is it!" moment?

I often wonder at what moment people realize that the game they've chosen as their favorite was their...favorite...

I don't mean "you can change music" or "you can wreck cars" or "I got this great score!"

What in the world...?

...are you doing, Khanon?!

What? Oh...all the blog posting? That's easy to explain...sort of.

I've been doing the internet forum thing back since all there was were bbses and newsgroups for us "internet" hounds. When FidoNet and UseNet were kings of the "Information Superhighway" and they were usually feeds to dial-up bbs systems, there was a familiar saying: "Activity breeds activity."


Work...the necessary Evil...

So...I'm at work right now. I know a few are probably wondering why I'm haunting the forums for the past couple hours or so. This is my reason. I'm at work. I love my job, but it's evil at the same time.

I wonder how many PC players there are so far...

I finally had the guts to go to online mode and check out the lobby last night... At what I thought would be a peak time, there were only a max of 20 people in the lobby, including myself... I figure the online stats shown by CriterionGames News blotters are for totals of all players from all 3 platforms, and with the dismally small amount of people shown online for PC, and the fact that an amateur like myself could set so many daily online records at that time of night leads me to wonder how few PC players there are.

PC exclusive user(s)

Now that I've had more time to root around the site, read more posts, check out the guides, etc. I'm hoping that The Powers That Be here at BurnoutAholics can make enough room for the PC users.

Khanon...? Whatever do you mean "make room"?

First timer with B:PC...

I don't own a playstation or an XBox of any type. I'm a long time PC user and game player, going all the way back to the C= VIC-20 (don't laugh!), so I've stuck with the computer as my main source of video game enjoyment.

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