Work...the necessary Evil...

So...I'm at work right now. I know a few are probably wondering why I'm haunting the forums for the past couple hours or so. This is my reason. I'm at work. I love my job, but it's evil at the same time.

Why is my job that lets me mess around on the internet "Evil"? Well, it takes away from wife time and gaming time. My wife's a huge gamer too, though she's a hardcore raider in a bleeding edge raiding guild in World of Warcraft. I stopped playing WoW because I couldn't stand raiding anymore, and once you've made a few max level characters, there's really nothing to except the good ol' adage "Raid or Die!"... I died, metaphorically. The enjoyment, finally, was completely sucked out of it for me.

I've purchased many early and late offline games, as well as have been a member of many other online games.

Nothing stuck with me as something I could enjoy beyond a round or two of play.

...Until Burnout Paradise came out for the PC.

Now I find work even more evil than before! Sure, I could play from here, but if I got a phone call, or had to answer an email (I do tech support at an industrial isp), it would take the wind out of the sails of the event I was doing (I tried this on thursday lol).

Unfortunately, no matter how much I love my job and the company I work for, Burnout Paradise has turned me into seeing it as evil. I really do love my job, too! It's the best job I've ever had and the best people to work with I've ever encountered...and I've had a lot of jobs!

Oh...yeah...the necessary part... Gotta pay the bills somehow...

/end aimless rambling rant-of-sorts