So THAT'S how you fix the news!

Okay...for those that don't know, I've not been able to get the in-game news articles on my PC since I bought the game. Today, I finally got an answer from CG that it's "somewhere in your security settings, and we're closing this as resolved/fixed"...

WTH?!?! Thanks for the help, guys! *rolls eyes*

So...down to me to figure it out, since no one is going to even give me an inkling of a clue as to what setting may need changing, and as anyone who's gone into their internet settings on their PC's knows...there's a metric &$%#-ton of settings. I'm going to now make it easier on anyone else who has this same problem, so that they won't have to spend a week wondering what everyone else is talking about while they remain in the dark.

In Internet Explorer 8 (and perhaps Firefox 3 which relies at least in part on IE's security settings under Vista and Windows 7) you have to go into Security Settings in Internet Options (either from Control Panel or from Tools>>Options within IE), click "Trusted Sites", uncheck the box at the bottom, go to Add Sites button on the Trusted Sites tab, uncheck the secure connection box at bottom, add in and (latter may not be necessary, but this is the only way to add non-secure pages to the trusted sites list), apply it, recheck the secure pages checkbox at the bottom, apply that, hit "Ok" and on the main Trusted Sites page, recheck the Enable
Protected Mode box, apply it, and the news should start working.

I started at the front and started turning everything off, one at a time, until I found the way to make it work.

It should be noted that the protected mode and medium level trust sites are enabled by default in Internet Explorer 8, so no one with default settings is going to be able to get the News unless the above is done to add CG and EA to the trusted site list. It should also be noted that you cannot add unsecure pages with the default first have to turn off protected mode and secure page settings. Don't forget to turn them back on again after you've added CG and EA to your list of trusted sites.

If anyone would like, I'll be a little more exacting and technical with the terminology above, but I think that most people will probably be able to find exactly what's referred to here.


Xandu's picture

Thanks for spending the time finding a solution to this problem. I guess this one should be added to our FAQ for future reference.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

ZombieTron's picture

I got lost half way through reading this!  

Khanon's picture

hehe I could make an SWF (flash movie) of how to do it, if you'd like. The CG guys said you could simply enable scripts to alter the status bar... There's a reason that's turned off by's a security hole in your browser that allows scripts to alter your bars, helping to mask forgery sites. You don't want to do that if you can avoid it.

Let me know if you'd like me to SWF it...I have my own flash creator (I make tutorials in Flash for my workplace all the time...).


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

PhotonKitsune's picture

I use IE7 and just set the security to "Medium" and it worked all fine. Perhaps in IE8 they removed the unchecking of the said option when setting the overall-security to "Medium"...


BP PC gamer. IGN: PhotonKitsune

BP PC gamer. IGN: PhotonKitsune