Best Online Game Modes: Racing

Which Burnout game has the best online racing mode?

I would have to say Burnout Revenge!

Mostly, but not entirely due to the glitch which is drift/boost jumping.. let me explain;

I love the track design on Burnout Revenge. Each track has several alternate routes to explore. Learning the best route to take was challenging, we learnt through trial and error to try to get the best lap times until we found our perfect route.

Once you learn and master the drift/boost jumping techniques, each track feels like it was designed with this in mind. Every bump in the road, every jump feels perfectly placed for maximum speed. It seems inconceivable that this was an accident. If you run a clean race, hitting every jump to maximum effect, it feels like pure perfection!

Rubber banding is another reason why I think Burnout Revenge is the best Burnout racing game. The handicap maybe annoying for some, but for me it is what keeps the races so close and exciting.

No other Burnout game has competitors finishing so close together, fighting for every millisecond and hoping for each drift/boost jump to pay off, willing competitors to crash and risking it all to go for a takedown.

A close, tight room on Burnout Revenge is the best racing action I have ever experienced. For me, the closeness of the racing and the personal challenge of hitting the jumps and getting the right route... and not crashing! Is what makes Burnout Revenge the best online racing game in the Burnout Series.


SUFFUR's picture

I would prefer the racing on there, but I keep trying to make it work, with Voip, Takedowns, traffic spawns, being just poor, it's hard to get the enjoyment of the previous games to apply to Paradise. But I have tried and will continue to do so, because the other games are old hat, fun but worn out. And what is it with the freezing, and then hyper speed, am I getting a lag issue, seems like it!

And the Xbox Live Dash is super slow too, time to change internet provider. As I can't blame Live right, lol.

edit, been farting around with my American account today, and it's way faster to use to DL and explore content than my UK account, why is that?, no waiting to go to DL something else, is the something to do with xbox uk servers? And the dash moves faster too, no pause while it thinks about it too?

I am not looking forward to Cops and Robber, as it will be like check point racing but looking for a bit of shiney gold rather than the flash of crashing into a wall.

Road Rage should be like the games of old, we all start in the same place and earn boost when blue, with a 3 second head start, then race to a point, not we all start here, here, there, somewhere, but not near anyone to enjoy a good game, then again the TD physics are crap anyway. I am trying to set up a 8 player lan game to see if being on the same network improves the Physics?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?