Island and Dust Storm stuff in Crash TV tomorrow

CG have posted a number of news stories hyping the new Crash TV episode which will be available tomorrow (Thurs 28th May) over at

It will feature new footage of the Dust Storm, the Island and will show us Island gameplay.

As all we have seen about the Island so far has just been snippets I am hoping to get a fuller picture in my head of what the Island is actually going to be like. It is now only 2 weeks away!!


Chu's picture

Is really necessary of them to mention 5 times that the fecking thing is going to be free? It always has been.

*rolls eyes*

Paul-Ferrie's picture

lol it's only mentioned 3 times

but yeah i think for all the stick they are getting about DLC prices they need to throw that(your getting this for free) in to it.

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

ZombieTron's picture

I guess as the podcasts are the last FREE thing they can say is FREE they want to make the most of being able to say it's FREE!

There was some wierd conflicting info in the news story they posted today tho...

They mention footage of the Dust Storm, 1 of the 7 cars available in the Big Surf Island pack... I thought there were going to be 8 new cars to unlock and possibly shut down on top of the Dust Storm?? Odd that they are now saying there are only 7 cars in TOTAL.

But, at least the Podcast is FREE!

kevlar0's picture

Looks like they made a typo about the cars.

Check out the latest Crash TV Podcast, out today, packed full of never-before-seen footage and information on the up-coming Big Surf Island pack!

Includes details of:

- The new Carson Dust Storm - 1 of 9 new vehicles coming in the Big Surf Island Pack

- All new collectibles - Billboards, Smashes and Mega-Jumps!

- Drive anywhere gameplay

- The new Construction Yard area full of outrageous stunt opportunities

- The new style Parking Garages - a new breed of incredible multi-storey fun

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

ZombieTron's picture

I figured it would be a mistake... I wish CG would be a little more careful about what they put out on the Internet, it's so easy to double check what you have written before hitting submit and it saves a lot of fan confusion!

Paul-Ferrie's picture

LMAO "proof read"

Iv'e developed apps and websites for some well known brand names and you would not believe the amounts of amends that usualy get done due to someone not proof reading docs before they are sent to me.


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

Dodger455's picture

Just checked out the new Island footage, and I must say that I can't wait to get in there, and the Island vehicles have their own menu, just like Boost, and Toys...etc.The Island itself has it's own menu as well.45 Billboards, and 75 smashes, and I saw 2 burning routes.It looks like 9 new cars including the Duststorm.Come on June 11th!!This DLC could be a blast!


Nath360skillz's picture

Well theyre saying "We've developed a packed programme of activites for you" but I think it'll only take about an hour to collect everything, do all the events, complete all 10 freeburn challenges, unlock the cars and get the 3 or 4 achievements (my guess) that they're going to add



Paul-Ferrie's picture

Well it's a week later. Where is the second part of BSI crash tv!?

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

Dodger455's picture

Exactly, I have been waiting for a week, and 3 hours to see some more awesome BSI, but they are dragging thier feet over @ CG.Why do you ask? Because they can.


Paul-Ferrie's picture

And still we wait...


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer


//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer