Island first impressions

I literally only have a first impression, as I have felt off colour all day so wasn't up for playing for long, however for what it's worth here are my first impressions.

The Dust Storm is a pretty cool car and the Island seems really big, even tho on the map it doesn't look all that.

I personally have no objections to the cars that are included with the Island, although I know a few burners are less then happy about them not being 100% original. I haven't unlocked any yet... really need to play more, hope I feel up for it tomorrow!

Love the Checkpoint markers! Really wish these were in the game from day 1. Love that you don't need to know the race like the back of your hand or look at the mini map instead of the road to know where you are going.

The races all seem pretty cool so far, nicely laid out and a bit of a challenge... however it does appear that there are no Island checkpoints available for online races, which kinda sucks! Kinda makes it feel like the Bike pack, everything included except for racing. I still think Burnout should be a RACING game... so it kinda bugs me when racing is absent, especially when the Island races seem to work so much better then the original Paradise routes.

All in all tho, definitely a great add on to the game! A huge new playground that will keep us freeburning for a good while to come. Also, hands down the best value for money out of all of the Premium DLC so far.

Great that there is so much offline gameplay with rewards. I haven't gone online with it yet, so can't comment on the challenges, hope they are FUN!

Let us know what you think... when you can pull yourselves away from Big Surfs shiny shores!


Segaswirl's picture

"however it does appear that there are no Island checkpoints available for online races, which kinda sucks!"

No sale!

I want to race. Makes me wonder what this new NFS of theirs will be like.

ZombieTron's picture

You can see the Island when you set up online races, so maybe they will add Island checkpoints as future Premium DLC???

But then again, we are still waiting for online Bike racing to be added... maybe there will be a Big Racing Add on with Bike and Island racing all together for say... 1000 MS points??

or then again, it could be missing as due to the telemetry from Paradise not many people tend to race online so they aren't wasting time adding an unwanted feature to the game.

Odd thing number 2 - Xandu just set up a race while being in the Dust Storm on the Island, but on the car selection screen he could only choose one of the 78 original Paradise cars?? There was no option to select any of the DLC cars or the new BSI cars?? Not sure what that's all about.

Paul-Ferrie's picture

Odd thing number 2 - Xandu just set up a race while being in the Dust Storm on the Island, but on the car selection screen he could only choose one of the 78 original Paradise cars?? There was no option to select any of the DLC cars or the new BSI cars?? Not sure what that's all about.

I was able to rank race with all the cars i unlocked on BSI

First impression it was pretty good but now that i have everything done it's like what next? Can only go off the ski jump so many times. If there was freeburn racing or even ranked racing i would expect this to have some more life to it but as it stands i think we will all be asking what next? by the start of next week.

Not happy that i fobed off with some toy cars as part of the unlocks!!!

Value you for money? Yes

Playablity? Yes till everything is done

Longevity? None unless i am missing somthing

Future DLC for this game? Doubt it since they have landed NFS

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

//-- Life of a Glasgow Flash Developer

ZombieTron's picture

2nd race set up and all cars were available, so don't know what that was all about, but seems to be a one off. Xandu is now happily racing in his SuperTurbo!

Suffur said it was about 7 hours of gameplay, which for the price is probably OK... I guess with all games once you have completed them you are ready for the next thing.

For me, the Island should have had Cops and Robbers spawn points, Online Racing Checkpoints, and Timed Challenges. All of these would have extended the online life by a lot.

The toy car unlocks are fine by me, but then I never bought the Toy car pack. I'm sure if I had already spent out money for the Toys and Legendary cars I might feel a bit ripped by having combinations as the Island cars. At least there are a couple of genuinely new cars with the Island, and having an Olympus with boost is cool, as having boostless cars in Burnout just feels wrong to me.

I'm looking forward to checking out all of the new NFS titles, it looks like EA are really trying to push the NFS brand into lots of different racing/driving directions and making NFS synonymous with driving video games. I think when they are all out, there will be an NFS game for everybody. I am definitely looking forward to seeing what CG do with the brand.

I wouldn't count out new Paradise content tho... although I wouldn't count on it either!

Segaswirl's picture

Yeah i'd buy that, they could charge 1600ms points and i'd probably still be all over it.

They could maybe even do a Burnout Classics Car pack with updated versions of the Assassin Super, Dominator Super and the Euro from Burnout 3. Maybe even throw in some of the hatchbacks for running around Paradise in. It'll never happen but I can dream.

Xandu's picture

If the host selects the car he or she can only select Paradise Cars. If there is no host lock you can select any car that you have unlocked and that is within the selected boost limit. So the only way to have a Duststorm race is if all players agrees to select it. Even then it might not work if for instance one of the players (kevlardo) selects another car like the Hunter Olympus Govenor...

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

Linkster's picture

Admitedly it was late when I got home from work last night so I'm only at 50% but from what I've seen so far it's well worth the money.

Toy cars are great as I never bought the toy car pack and doing marked man in a tiny P88 made me laugh.

Like others I'm disappointed there are no checkpoints on the island for racing but you never know they may do it in the future as a sort of patch.

Hopefully tonight I can get online and have a gander at the new challenges.

zombo09's picture

I think it has potential, give it some more development blackjack learn forex online craps online roulette online bingo

SUFFUR's picture

No more stuff for Paradise, probably not even an Update to fix the niggles either, hence, gave up on the addiction.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?And kept it in check for most of the year and a half too, nice...

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?