Tech Retrospective: Burnout Paradise

There is an interesting Tech article on Eurogamer, an interview with Richard Parr and Alex Fry from CG.

Tech Retrospective: Burnout Paradise

Worth a read if technical talk doesn't make you fall asleep, or you could read it just before bed!  


SUFFUR's picture

Just that the game play don't add up to what was great from the older games, don't get me wrong it keeps me occupied, or adding stuff that works on the BSI add on and is not applied to the rest of Paradise, but going by the article, it would mean more time and money to do that, which is a bugger, maybe I should have not asked for more cars, or the Island but more practicle stuff like Sky Cheverons for the whole of Paradise, lol. That would have been money well spent to get more gameplay longevity out of Paradise.

The racing just causes so much frustration, due to people not going where they want to go to enjoy themselves to the full.

But yes Criterion great work on the Island and bring Paradise up to is shiney brilliance, and doing what it has to do, in the behind the scenes work it does, not that I know what it does, or should worry about that, thats what I paid for, to see a game work, and with every update it does get better, when's the next one coming? Like maybe a racing pack for the whole of the Island, and where do the rumours come from that we are getting a South End land mass add on to Paradise?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?