Time is counting down...

Criterion Games have put up a countdown on their website, 3 days or so until....

I hope to see a completely refreshed www.criteriongames.com with their NFS stomping all over the faded memories of Burnout Paradise!

I am really looking forward to seeing the big NFS reveal!

It might finally give me something new to put on our front page!!!

Roll on E3!

In other news, baby girl is 9 months old today and is changing everyday! She can pull herself to standing now and is walking around holding onto the furniture, she has 2 little teeth now too, and is still super cute!  My little angel!

My motivation for gaming is severely diminished tho, mostly I think due to me feeling knackered all the time. I haven't been able to get into blur or split/second really. I enjoy them both and am working through them slowly, but I guess my days of gaming online every evening til the small hours are over... or are at least taking a hiatus. Who knew being a Mum would be more fun?

What games are you all playing? What would you recommend I spend my reduced gaming hours on?? and how are you all? I miss racing you on Revenge! .... and what are you looking forward to at E3?