The Return of the Sequel

Xandu mentioned in passing that he thought the next Burnout maybe called "Burnout: Payback" and it got me thinking. Will there be a Burnout after Paradise?  Then I read this msn article on sequels.  I know that Criterion don't do sequels.  They would rather bring out a reinvention of a title and give us a new gaming experience. With Paradise they seem to be pushing the Burnout envelope to bursting point.  I know we wont see Paradise for months yet so it's really premature to talk about but . . . . .

I wonder where the Burnout series will go next?


SUFFUR's picture

'Cock Fight', to go with really 'dicking' around?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?