Saving Burnout Revenge

Since the news broke about the server close down due on the 13th of April 2012, some of the Burnout Revenge community have taken action to try to save the game.

I sent an email to asking for a stay of execution, others have emailed ea, which I will do later if I can figure out how! There is also the official ea forums, where you can voice your concerns, although there doesn't seem to be an official Burnout Revenge or Burnout Series forum over there anymore... I hadn't visited for a long time before today, it's all different. (note to self, probably time to update the links page again) Edited to add: I found the Burnout series forum on the ea UK forums and did a post about it, but the forum is pretty dead.

There is a Save Burnout Revenge group on facebook, head over and add your gamertag to the cause!

Xandu created a poll, to see how much of our Burnout community still play Revenge online, versus those who play Paradise more. So far, Revenge is the out and out winner.

The other thing to do is get online and play!