ZombieTron's Blog

Hello folks,

It's been a while since I wrote anything here, so I thought I would fill you in on what I've been up to.

Not a lot of it is anything to do with games.

Xandu and I are getting married in 2014. So, I've been busy with wedding planning. I'm making the invitations myself and doing a few other crafty DIY projects for the event. As well as doing all the other organising things you need to do.

We also have a kid now, so she takes up a fair amount of my time and energy. She is growing up quick and as parenting has ups and downs and issues I have been spending most of my internet time on baby/mummy forums instead of gaming ones.

There are still games though, and I can be found occasionally on NFS:Rivals. The latest addition to our collection. Or on WSOP Poker, as it was free for a while with the games on Gold and I like poker. Or still on Revenge... although it's been a few weeks since I last raced.

That pretty much catches you up.

My next blog will probably be back to my normal ranting about the failings of the latest racing game. I haven't played Rivals enough for it to annoy me yet, but I'm sure it will come!

Laters burners x



gothictwist's picture

Just registered to forwards my congrats to you and xandu from an old revenge competitor.

ZombieTron's picture

Hope things are good with you too. :)