Heading in the wrong direction?

I have to be honest, I have extremely high hopes for Burnout 5 and have been awaiting it for the better part of this past year. However, recent information regarding the upcoming title has really been irking me......


1UP: Can you explain how the player will progress through the game? How will you know you're 100% done, earn faster cars, etc?

Alex Ward:  "Each player will progress in a different way. We give you the keys to Paradise City; what happens thereafter is up to you. You can drive anywhere and do anything -- there is no set path through the game. There are some races to take part in, but again, if you don't want to do any of that, you don't [have to]. Win races to set cars free into the city. Then you have to find them, give chase and take them down."


That quote, as well as other information that has been released, is making me feel that this game is heading not only further away from the norm of the Burnout series, but off into the direction of the Midnight Club series. While I have nothing against MC or the open-ended racing style it provides, it isn't quite what I'm looking for from the Burnout series.  I dislike the idea of having to "create your own path from point A to point B," and favor closed track racing (though I don't mind a few shortcuts).

I won't lose faith in Burnout: Paradise and will eventually get it no matter how much they tinker with the Burnout formula, and I'm really hoping that Criterion will deliver another enjoyable addition to the series. 


Your thoughts and comments please!


Xedec's picture

dude i dont know but just the videos alone and the podcasts make me more and more exited i really cant wait for burnout paradise because ill be there midnight first in line to get it!!! what i also read on gameinformer is that youll be able to upgrade your car with the burnout licence you get.


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

ZombieTron's picture

I was sceptical about Paradise when I first heard about some of the changes. Just read my early blogs - I was kinda worried. But, as we are learning a little more about the game, I am more confidant that it will deliver my Burnout fix for the next generation.

Criterion are trying to be different with Paradise. They don't want to make Burnout Revenge again and they don't want to make someone elses game again either. I am looking forward to a completely NEW driving experience with Paradise. One which has the speed and intensity of Burnout which is lacking in all other driving games.

Play Paradise first before you compare it to other games, I think it will surprise you and you will see that its not like anything that has come before.

Jinno Angelo's picture

Im thinking that it probably will breed two different types of Burnout gamers.... one who likes closed circuit races and those who like open races... Those who like closed will more than likely keep playing burnout revenge instead while those who dont will be playing paradise more......

I dont think I will be disappointed, I will have to play the game first though to see how much I can get into it before deciding whether to stick with Revenge or play Paradise instead..

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).