New Burnout Revenge Clips


We have added 5 new Burnout Revenge clips today. Have a look at them in the Top Revenge Clips page. Please note that we are using Microsoft SilverLight for all our new video content. If you don't have it installed you will be asked to do so. If you are using Windows 2000 or older you will have to download the video files using the download link for each clip.


SUFFUR's picture

I have just watched the freebee, clips from IGN today and though there is not much detail to be seen in these clips, there 4 of them, the game play looks interesting. The car wobbles on turns because its that type of car (a musle type in orange) and the stuff it does, and the punishment it can take is cool. The tracks, sorry, race surface, is very varied and shows some new areas, so it going to take some time to get the lay of the map, i wonder if it is still the same one they released some time ago, or if its changed? Also the car siddles, not the right word, because it screams through a gas station to get some boost, and it looks like if your in the air, letting go of boost gives more juice to the boost, similar to boost air jumping. See already making comparisons, to understand the new. The last one took a while to download, but it shows repairs done on the fly too.

Anyway worth a look see.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?