Official Announcements

This week seems to be the week for official announcements, so I thought I would add one of my own.

Xandu and I are engaged! WOOT!!

Xandu proposed on our one year anniversary, but we have been unofficially engaged since December last year when I got my ring. I kept it kinda quiet as we wont be getting married for ages. But now the word is officially out and I will keep my blog posted with Wedding developments as they happen!  I have to move to Norway, find a place to live, learn the language, get a job and be fully settled there first. So it could take a while.



ichienkai's picture

May i be the first to give you both Congratulations and may you be happy together in Norway and have many little ZombieXan's running around in your future!! Oh i caught podcast 9 today and you managed to get your signiture giggle in there which was cool!  Anyways all the best to you both

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

SUFFUR's picture

Now is it Xambietron, Zandu or something else, as you are now joined at the hip, and other bodily parts. And congradulations, and do you get another trip to Criterion for that? LOL. Love you both always, and nah its a happy day, so no more to be said, but one thing, your relationship is getting in the way of your Burnout play, for both of you! Can you do a one line of pre-nup, that you both get to play Burnout for more than 2 hours a day, and not just on one account? LOL

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

hn6's picture

Congratulations from the crashing fraternity.


50 Hurtz

BootlegGiant's picture

Urm yeah congratulations to you both.

----No1 baby, you know it!!!----

ZombieTron's picture

Thanks for the kind words everbody! especially you Boot, said with such sincerity!!

Xandu is back in Norway for a couple of weeks, so we will probably both be on Burnout much more!! If I can stop playing Viva Pinata and get Xandu to stop playing Halo 3!!

--- The Original and the Best ---