Play.Com Live!

Sunday morning 7am - Way too early to be up right??? well, we were on our way to Wembley to go to the Live show, and we live far away!!

Suffur, Xandu and I got to Wembley at about 11am and had a good look around the main floor and mezzanine levels. It was a smaller show than I thought it would be, with only a few pods for each game.

Rainbow 6 Vegas: 2 seemed to have the most pods and they were hooked up to play locally, we all had a go. I didn't do too badly, got a few kills and even tho the game bobs more then RB6 should (mainly due to the new sprinting capabilities) I did not feel sick like I do with some bobbing fps's.

The Vegas stand centerpiece was a roulette table, and they had a stage with Vegas Showgirls dancing to Vegas themed songs, which got a bit repetitive as we had all day tickets!

Soul Calibour IV had quite a lot of pods too, and they had seats!! But, only a couple of playable characters and neither of them were Yoda or Darth Vader. Darth Vader was walking around with a Soul Calibour costumed lady tho, which was nice!  And I got to kick Xandu's butt which was nice too!! I love button bashing!!!

The only other games I actually played were Racing Driver GRID and Burnout Paradise. GRID seems pretty good, the big screen wall video they were showing looked great! Paradise only had 3 pods, and 2 kids were hogging them and Showtiming most of the time!! But, we did get to play for a bit and unlocked some cars and awards!

We saw lots of other games, I liked the look of the Ghostbusters game, and there was a HUGE inflatable Stay puffed marshmallow man outside, and the Ghostbusters car too (although I didn't see it).

We met up with a couple of other Xbox friends who came for the afternoon and then we headed upstairs. We saw Cat and Holly from Red Dwarf, Sylvester McCoy was there too. But, the main feature upstairs was FarCry 2.  A couple of the development team were showing off a demo and answered some questions afterwards. Very impressive demo. 50 square kilometer open world with no loading, and you can play the missions in any order - sound familiar?

It was a good day, the live bands felt like an unnecessary distraction from the games, and we didn't stay all the way to the end to see all of "We Are Scientists" set.  I hope it, or something like it, becomes an annual event, but hopefully it will be even bigger next year!