I'm listening to the Crash FM podcast 26 and have a bit to say, not a story cos its nothing new really, just stuff I want to comment on.

Burnout Team are talking about GCC, Game Changing Content as opposed to DLC, Downloadable Content. They hinted that they will not be charging for car liveries or new cars? so what will they be charging us for??? so far all the GCC that has been announced seems to be FREE!

Suffur, Xandu and I were messing about in Paradise last night, and as is normally the case when the three of us play Paradise together, we had a good moan about it.

One of the things we moaned about was the lack of options in the game. Why not have an option to hide the list of racers? Why not have an option to have a speedo on the hud, there is space under the map or under the boost bar? Why not have the option to rotate the map? It would make navigating in Paradise a lot more lady friendly!

And on the podcast they are looking into adding an option to rotate the map! Cool! But, if its already in the game why not put it in from the get go???

Although I get that a lot of the GCC (ok all of the GCC) is stuff which Criterion have not made yet, having only part of the game out of the box has led to a lot of players I know giving up on Paradise before the first update.

Most of my friends are fed up of games coming out then having to pay for DLC just a few months later, but with Paradise the new stuff will be Free, but it's taking a bit too long! and most of my friends have moved on.

I guess its time to purge my friends list again, and get online in Paradise to make some new friends! (are comms working yet?)

I'm getting a bit restless waiting for the GCC, I really hope it is worth the wait and that I can convince some quitters to pick up Paradise again!

We are working on a few races to send in for Fridays deadline, so hopefully we can get some BurnoutAholics races sanctioned and in the game.

... more podcast coolness.. Alex Ward is working on secret stuff!! ooooo


hn6's picture

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they made you pay for a speedo.



50 Hurtz

Checker's picture

Personally, I'm in the more-options camp. Being able to turn off individual HUD elements back in GT3 is a prime example, it increased the dificulty and driving-pleasure for the user and costs the Devs nothing. Controls re-mapping falls into the same area, sure it may be frustrating at times to learn a new control-scheme I just made up but it is MY CHOICE to do so. Didn't they go on about an individual Dev playing with the controller upside-down and how cool it was?...... I digress.


If they give us too many options, the game is 'too-complicated' and people complain. If they hide the options in an advanced menu that is hard to get to they are being elitist. If they develop the options in advance and release slowly them they are some-flavor-of-rude for holding back on us. I think that if they really want us to try things 'their-way', the sensible thing is to lock-down some of those options until you have completed x% of the game before you can try mucking with them. Yes, people will still complain about that too but it seems like the least evil, and the rotating map should open from the get-go.


In some of the early-dev footage they had barriers blocking off streets, It would be kinda cool if they could build a race mode with restricted paths, it could teach shortest paths, add variety, and satisfy a bunch of racers who like that sort of thing. As for making it fit in with the open-world, just park yellow school-buses across the roads.


I know a few people who started new names to re-start their game and make new friends, purging people seems a little harsh to me but then again, I haven't been around that long or reached the limit yet. I eagerly await a proper in-game xmb, and/or  give us access on the PSP or PC so we can message accross games, and longer status messages so we can put things like 'will BP challange for food, msg me before 22EDT' would be nice too.


I hope that secret-stuff is integration with skate. cause that would be awsome, I would love to skateboard in paradise and drive around San Vanelona. I know that's a little out there but if you look at what the Black Box folks are doing with online modes in skate. you might be looking at some of the future of BP, they did mention in a podcast they are playing it and liking it, no?